performance Online Quiz - 1
Description: performance Online Quiz - 1 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: performance |
What is the purpose of a sampler
Which of the following is false about Listeners
Which element of JMeter is used to process response data and extract values out of server response
Identify index that needs to be created for the query
Calculate the selectivity of the Below Index
The following select statement has accessed 54 blocks to retrieve 1000 records. What is the Blocks/Row ratio
What is selectivity of an Index
Which for loop will run fastest?
Caching variable values in a another local variables is a not useful
With the following code, var x = 10; var y = true; which of the options are slower two ?
HP Operation Manager
HP SiteScope is an agentless monitoring application
DBSPI is used for
Threashold value in sitescope?
383 is the default port number for HPOM agent
Which provides console and server functionality to centrally monitor performance and events using agents installed on nodes being managed
Storage Essential and Report optimizer