testing Online Quiz - 166
Description: testing Online Quiz - 166 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
To Ensure that the Quality Center can Run Tests in QTP, what setting must be set first in QTP?
If you see a “Winobject” in your script, what does this mean?
How can the Object Repository be made more flexible for objects with dynamic Properties
What type of the files can be managed using the Object Repository manager
Which looping statement is guaranteed to execute at least once
How can you ensure that all the variables must be declared thin a script?
What Checkpoint type is used to check the values of Properties of the object?
To change the currently loaded Add-ins in QTP you must…
When inserting an Output value in your script, which DataTable sheet can you choose to output to?
Which of these can be parameterized?
With the following statement, how long will QTP check for the existence of the Button?Window (“Flight Reservation”).WinButton (“OK”).Exist (3)
Which utility is used to investigate Object Properties?
What does the “ChildObjects” method return?
Using the following DataTable value Property, what does the number indicate? X= Datatable.value (“Column1”,1)
The Object Properties (Mandatory & Assistive) for the “Test Object Classes” can be defined using one of the following
In which tab of Test Setting, do you find the associated add-ins
What is the default Browser navigation timeout in QTP
What is the shortcut key to Run from Step
Under which menu option, Recovery Scenario Manager is available
The type of descriptive programming in which you add a collection of properties and values to a Description object, and then enter the Description object name in the statement is