testing Online Quiz - 112

Description: testing Online Quiz - 112
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: testing
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Which one of the following is not an associate.

  1. Producer

  2. Collaborator

  3. Point of Sale

  4. Producer account

Correct Option: D

To appear in application 29 which network should be added to

  1. 0029

  2. 003

  3. 005

  4. 008

Correct Option: B

The number of status for the POS is

  1. 18

  2. 19

  3. 17

  4. 3

Correct Option: B

Who violates the basic principle of associate “A physical person or legal entity is stored only once, even different roles towars the company”.

  1. Producer

  2. Collaborator

  3. Staff member

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

A producer account is owned by how many Point of Sales

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 1

Correct Option: D

A Point of Sale can have how many Producer accounts

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. Many

  4. 0

Correct Option: C

The code ‘Hnnnn’ is for

  1. Economic Vision

  2. Hierarchial Post

  3. Producer.

  4. Point of Sale.

Correct Option: B

Full form of LSS

  1. Light Sales Support

  2. Light Sales Service

  3. Light Short Support

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Full form of MiFID

  1. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

  2. Markets in Financial Investments Directive

  3. Markets in Future Investments Directive

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Which application is used to make and verify payments for the ULIS contracts?

  1. GIP

  2. Tools 2

  3. R2D2

  4. Courrier

Correct Option: C

Which online transaction is done to create a completely new contract/policy for a new customer(Nouvelle affaire)?

  1. Txn 101

  2. Txn 201

  3. Txn 105

  4. Txn 361

Correct Option: A

Transaction 306 is used to add a death guarantee to the existing contracts in ULIS

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

What “code extinction” is displayed after transaction 363 is encoded on the contract?

  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 9

Correct Option: D

Identify the pair of the batch chains to be executed for Transaction 361

  1. GU56A+GU61A

  2. GU52A+GU57A

  3. GU52A+GU53A

  4. GU60A+GU60K

Correct Option: C

Transaction 391: Arbitrage is possible for Branche 21 products?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Identify the odd one out: Crest, Opti-plan, Twinstar, PLCI

  1. Crest

  2. Twinstar

  3. Opti-plan

  4. PLCI

Correct Option: B

Which batch chain is used for completing the process of adding a payment made on the ULIS contracts?

  1. GUB3A

  2. GU56A

  3. GU52A

  4. GU60A

Correct Option: B

Odd one out:

  1. Life insurance

  2. Home insurance

  3. Auto insurance

  4. Liability insurance

Correct Option: A
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