testing Online Quiz - 109
Description: testing Online Quiz - 109 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
Routesets are used in _______.
How many inquiries or dips are made during the call set up process?
Expansion of SMS is _____?
Expansion of SCP is _____?
Which of the following Destinations allows SID routing?
_______ determines the type of terminating number/point
Different types of termination types used in TFNs
When a routeset is said to be XN Routeset
When a Toll Free Number is Deactivated, which file in AS400 should be validated to view this status change
Editing ________ has restrictions
The Change Password Link is required and is present in ________ .
iTolls is a
How many types of Toll Free services are available?
Expansion of SCCN is _____?
All calls, both inbound and outbound are made up of two parts, Voice transmission and
Various status of a TFN in the course of activation
All the routing information of the Toll Free Numbers in iTOLLS is stored in
What is the Billing System of iTOLLS
Find out which one given below is not a feature of a TFN
Emergency Routing is