testing Online Quiz - 106
Description: testing Online Quiz - 106 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
Example for Speech application creation tool is
Select the future enhancement of IVR
Rogers’ IVRs serve as __________call routing engines as well as self service channels, handling approximately __million customer calls / year.
Which statement is true
CCAIs in Rogers IVR architecture is a
__________ is the current customer database used by the Rogers' IVR in routing decisions.
The database used in Current Touchtone project of Rogers' IVR is
Main Disadvantage of IVR is
Management gateway is related to IVR for
OmniVox3D is a 3D device for animations
Which is the first Generation of IVR
Which hardware does a computer needs to understand the DTMF signals produced by the phone..
Example of Speech tuning tool is
VoiceXML documents are interpreted by a
PLS stands for
TCS has developed a Mobile Agro Advisory System which connects by farmers is
DTMF stands for
OmniVox3D is a
IVVR stands for
For a low risk Roger's Customer which statement is true.