testing Online Quiz - 74
Description: testing Online Quiz - 74 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is :
An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004. The boundary values for testing this field are
Consider the following statements about early test design: i. early test design can prevent fault multiplication ii. faults found during early test design are more expensive to fix iii. early test design can find faults iv. early test design can cause changes to the requirements v. early test design normally takes more effort
Which one of the following is NOT a rule to be followed in reviews?
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard?
Fault Masking is
The tool used to deploy builds in Q&I
Testing of a candidate build to be deployed is done by performing
Please select the wrong statement with reference to SPLATT
When a policy created through Q&I is in rating error – Reason code 702, it shows that
What are the different Levels of testing in Q&I
The tool used to issue UW Referral policies in Q&I.
Users who logon to DEV or TIN test regions do not require any authentication & they are treated as
Agent testing is always performed in
The main components of Selenium testing tools are
The tests recorded using Selenium IDE can be run in other browsers
Selenium is an open source software.
Selenium can do
What programming languages can you use in Selenium RC?
Selenium can be used for testing client server applications.