testing Online Quiz - 63
Description: testing Online Quiz - 63 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
Which of the following could be used to assess the coverage achieved for structure-based test techniques?A Decision outcomes exercisedB Partitions exercisedC Boundaries exercisedD Causes & effects exercisedE Single/multiple conditions exercisedF Statements exercised
In Boundary value analysis, the behaviour of a component or system is assumed to be the same for a portion of an input or output domain, based on the application.
What are the methodologies adopted while performing maintanance testing?
White box technique is also called as
What is an equivalance partition?
The Test Cases Derived from use cases
Which of the following is not a part of the Test Implementation and Execution Phase
Which of the following techniques is NOT a White box technique?
A Project risk includes which of the following
In a risk-based approach the risks identified may be used to :
The Planning phase of a formal review includes the following :-
A Person who documents all the issues, problems and open points that were identified during a formal review.
Which of the following is a Key Characteristics of Walk Through
What can static analysis NOT find?
Incidents would not be raised against:
A Type of functional Testing, which investigates the functions relating to detection of threats, such as virus from malicious outsiders.
Which of the following is not a major task of Exit criteria?
Testing where in we subject the target of the test , to varying workloads to measure and evaluate the performance behaviors and ability of the target and of the test to continue to function properly under these different workloads.
Testing activity which is performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interaction between integrated components is :-
Static analysis is best described as: