testing Online Quiz - 9
Description: testing Online Quiz - 9 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
Which of them are reason for failure? a)testing fault b)software fault c)design fault d)documentation fault e)environment fault
To test a function, the Programmer have to write a _________ which calls the function and passes it test data
Test are prioritised so that we
When a new tool is purchsed , it should be used first by
Data collected during testing should include
choose the correct combination
A reliable application will be one with
A regression test
Defect management process doesnot includes
Equivalence partitioning is
Actual complexity metric refers to the number of independent path traversed during testing
What is the output of the following code snippet @echo off set var = 1 %var%+=1 echo var
What is the editor that is used for creating batch scripts
What is the output of the following code snippet @echo off %1 %2\%3 .\ Save the above as “test.bat” Execute the batch file with the commandline parameters test.bat xcopy d: test.txt
What does the following code snippet do? IF EXISTS c:\test.txt del c:\test.txt Dir %WinDir%\ >> c:\test.txt
What is the output of the following code snippet?
@echo off
set /a number = 5
set /a number = %number% +1
If %number% == 10
(goto :label)
(echo %number% >> c:\test.txt)
goto :loop
What is the output of the following code snippet? @echo off Copy /? > d:\test.txt
Batch scripts are generally used for
What is the output of the following code snippet @echo off xcopy %userprofile%* %2