testing Online Quiz - 6
Description: testing Online Quiz - 6 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: testing |
Before we redirect keystrokes to any application, using Send Keys, focus can be set using which method?
Breakpoints can be set in the script, to make Quick Test pause script execution, at desirable statements in the script. State true or false
File system object methods can be used to
Watch tab of debug viewer
RecordSet object of ADODB library holds
Connection string issued to every data base will remain constant, irrespective of the database. State true or false
) Navigational methods like MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious are the methods supported by the connection object. State true or false
What is the flag used to mark end of the data you retrieve from a resultset?
Identify the issues in the code below
Set con = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;
Data source=C:\...\Database1.accdb"
rs = con.Execute("select * from Table1")
Do While rs.EOF
Msgbox rs.Fields(0).Name & " : " &rs.Fields(0).Value & " " & rs.Fields(1).Name & " : " &rs.Fields(1).Value & " " & rs.Fields(2).Name & " : " & rs.Fields(2).Value
Issue1) SQL query is issued as an argument to an incorrect method Issue2) Condition with the loop is incorrect Issue3) Code is not designed navigate to the next record in the recordset Issue4) Connection string is incorrectly formed Issue5) Msgbox cannot display data from Database Issue6) Set keyword is missing in a statement
What is the method used to get the root element of an xml document
What does the ChildElements method of XMLUtil returns?
What is the indexed property used to retrieve child nodes from a collection?
Predict the output of the following script the uses the below xml
Set xmlDoc = XMLUtil.CreateXMLFromFile("C:\...\students.xml")
Set rt = xmlDoc.GetRootElement
Set rtChildColl = rt.ChildElements
Set node = rtChildColl.Item(rtChildColl.Count)
set nodeAtt = node.ChildElements
Msgbox nodeAtt.Item(1).Value
Recovery scenario takes us thru the following wizard steps in the following sequence
1.Which typical defects are easier to find using static instead of dynamic testing A. deviation from standards B. requirements defects C. insufficient maintainability D. incorrect interface specifications
- What technique captures system requirements that contain logical conditions?
- Input and output combinations that will be treated the same way by the system can be tested using which technique?
- Which of the following can be tested as part of operational testing?
- Which technique is appropriate to test changes on old and undocumented functionalities of a system?
- By creating future tests based on the results of previous tests, a tester is demonstrating at type of informal test design technique?