operating systems Online Quiz - 90

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 90
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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XP supports IP Version 6?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

In XP ClearType — Microsoft’s anti-aliasing font display technology is enabled by default.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

How to shutdown a computer?

  1. shutdown -s -t 30 -c “ “

  2. syskill command

  3. system32/shutdown.bat

  4. windowskey + S

Correct Option: A

How can we create a fake virus and threaten our loved ones? :) Which of the following while converted into a bat file really threatens??

  1. @echo off echo You want to delete windows? dir /s echo all files deleted msg * windows got deleted and needs to close.

  2. del windows echo all files have been deleted. You have been cheated

  3. shutdown -a

  4. echo Hey Dont get afraid I wont eat your computer

Correct Option: A

The word XP in Windows XP stands for..

  1. Expertise

  2. Experience

  3. Excellency

  4. Exclusive

Correct Option: B

Which name cannot be given to a folder in windows?

  1. NUL

  2. CON1

  3. AUX1

  4. REG

Correct Option: A

BSD is a standard used for unix system

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

What is/are true aboiut shell

  1. • Piece of software that handles all the communictions

  2. Command interpreter

  3. • Considered the primary interaction with the user

  4. • Interface between os nand user

Correct Option: B,C,D

Which one of the followings is the default hp-unix shell?

  1. Korn

  2. Bourne

  3. Posix

  4. Key

Correct Option: C

Which one is the oldest and most used shell

  1. korn

  2. Bourne

  3. Bash

  4. C

Correct Option: B

Which one is the superuser prompt?

  1. %

  2. $

  3. >

  4. #

Correct Option: D

what is the location of the .profile file?

  1. Home/.profile

  2. Etc/.profile

  3. User/Bin/.profile

  4. Non of the above

  5. Any one from first three

Correct Option: A

I need the list of files in a csv format(comma separated values format).What will be my command?

  1. ls -m

  2. ls -mlrt

  3. ls -mrt

  4. Both A(ls -m) and C(ls -mrt)

Correct Option: D

What is the default parameter that attaches to ls?

  1. ls -l

  2. ls -C

  3. ls -x

  4. ls -A

Correct Option: B

There are 10 dot files (i,e files starting with .).What will be the output of ls command?

  1. dot files will not be listed

  2. Last dot file only be listed

  3. only latest dot file be listed

  4. dot files will be listed

Correct Option: A

There are 10 dot files (i,e files starting with .).What will be the output of ls command executed by root?

  1. dot files will not be listed

  2. Last dot file only be listed

  3. only latest dot file be listed

  4. dot files will be listed

Correct Option: D

What is the ls command to view subdirectories recursively?

  1. ls -R

  2. ls -l

  3. ls -r

  4. ls -A

Correct Option: A

Which variable determines the number of character positions in the output line for ls command?


  2. If COLUMNS is not set,current column value of the display

  3. default value of 80

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

can you decipher the file type by its ls -lrt --> "prwxrwxr-x-" ?

  1. The entry is a local socket

  2. The entry is a first-in,first-out (FIFO) special file

  3. The entry is an ordinary file

  4. Purged Permissions

Correct Option: B

1 How to send signals to other processes?

  1. 1 Use sigsend()

  2. 2 use kill()

  3. 3 use signal()

  4. 4 Only init can send signals

Correct Option: B
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