operating systems Online Quiz - 88

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 88
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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23 What is a message queue?

  1. 1 A printer queue

  2. 2 An IPC mechanism with destructive execute

  3. 3 An IPC mechanism with destructive write

  4. 4 An IPC mechanism with destructive read

Correct Option: D

24 Difference between shared memory & message queue 1

  1. No differences

  2. 2 IPC mechanism vs Non-IPC mechanism

  3. 3 Non-destructive read vs destructive read

  4. 4 Destructive read vs non-destructive read

Correct Option: C

25 To delete the last word of each line in the file test1

  1. 1 sed 's/ */$//' test1

  2. 2 sed 's/ *$//' test1

  3. 3 sed 's/ *$//' test1

  4. 4 sed 's/ *$\/\/' test1

Correct Option: B

who is not included in developing unix operating system originally?

  1. Ken Thompson

  2. Dennis Ritchie

  3. John Crosswhite

  4. Douglas McIlroy

Correct Option: C

what are the Unix flavors ?

  1. System V at AT&T lab

  2. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)

  3. Solaris at Sun Microsystems

  4. MAC OS X at Apple

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E
  1. Everything need to be done only by using commands.

  2. It is command oriented

  3. Easy to Use

  4. User Friendly

Correct Option: A,B

What is/are the script/scripts generally used and suitable in within Unix?

  1. Perl

  2. Rubby

  3. Shell

  4. Java/ajax

  5. Awk

Correct Option: A,B,C,E

What are the different Emulators in Unix?

  1. Putty

  2. Secure CRT

  3. Telnet

  4. Exceed

  5. Only First and Second

  6. First,Second and Third

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

Match Accordingly ?(match [A,B,C,D,E ]with [1,2,3,4,5])

  1. A-2, B-3, C-4-, D-1, E- 5

  2. A-1, B-5, C-4, D-3, E-2

  3. A-1, B-4,C-5,D-2, E-3

  4. Non of The above

Correct Option: C

Which is true about the block arrangement of unix file System?

  1. Boot | Super | Data| Inode

  2. Super | Boot | Data | Inode

  3. Boot | Super | Inode | Data

  4. Inode | Boot | Super | Data

  5. Non of the above

Correct Option: C

Unix Developed in the year ___________?

  1. 1968

  2. 1871

  3. 1969

  4. 1975

  5. Non

Correct Option: C

Which Shell Generally used for System Administration ?

  1. C

  2. Bourne

  3. Bash

  4. Korn

Correct Option: B

Which Shell generally used for the Guest Login and in secure Installation ?

  1. Rsh

  2. Csh

  3. Bsh

  4. Ksh

Correct Option: A
  1. A-2, B-3, C-4-, D-1, E- 5

  2. A-1, B-4,C-5,D-2, E-3

  3. A-1, B-5, C-4, D-3, E-2

  4. Non of the above

Correct Option: B

Which is/are the script/scripts generally used and suitable in within Unix?

  1. Perl

  2. Shell

  3. Rubby

  4. Java/ajax

  5. Awk

Correct Option: A,B,C,E

Which are the different Emulators in Unix?

  1. Putty

  2. Secure CRT

  3. Telnet Connection

  4. Exceed

  5. First,Third,Fourth

  6. First Two only

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

which are the Unix flavors ?

  1. System V at AT&T lab.

  2. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)

  3. Solaris at Sun Microsystems

  4. MAC OS X at Apple

  5. Only first two

  6. First Three only

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

There is only one distribution of Linux

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

PINE is used to FTP files

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

What command is used to change your password

  1. chpassword

  2. changepword

  3. passwd

  4. pass -change

Correct Option: C
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