operating systems Online Quiz - 87

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 87
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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What is VI?

  1. A text editor

  2. The UNIX telnet service

  3. An E-mail client

  4. An FTP client

Correct Option: A

How do you create a new directory called "flower"?

  1. newdir flower

  2. mkdir flower

  3. crdir flower

  4. makedir flower

Correct Option: A

With what command you can see what folder you are in?

  1. whereami

  2. map

  3. place

  4. pwd

Correct Option: A

With what can you stop a process?

  1. Shutdown

  2. stop

  3. kill

  4. delete

Correct Option: C

With what command you can see your user name?

  1. I

  2. me

  3. whoami

  4. pwd

Correct Option: C

The Command :>filename is used to

  1. Empty the existing file or create an empty file

  2. Print the string : to filename

  3. Delete the file

  4. Append the file at the last line

Correct Option: A

The Default variable $TZ is used to[wrong]

  1. display the number of Zombie process in the system

  2. set the time zone

  3. set the time for zip process

  4. display the last test condition result

Correct Option: A

filename=sample.txtfile=${filename%.*}echo $file$file now contains

  1. txt

  2. sample

  3. .txt

  4. sample.

Correct Option: A

How to call the function function1 in shell

  1. function1()

  2. call function1

  3. function1

  4. ask function1

Correct Option: A

The Command :>filename is used to

  1. Empty the existing file or create an empty file

  2. Print the string : to filename

  3. Delete the file

  4. Append the file at the last line

Correct Option: A

The Default variable $TZ is used to

  1. display the number of Zombie process in the system

  2. set the time zone

  3. set the time for zip process

  4. display the last test condition result

Correct Option: B

filename=sample.txt file=${filename%.*} echo $file $file now contains

  1. txt

  2. sample

  3. .txt

  4. sample.

Correct Option: B

How to call the function function1 in shell

  1. function1()

  2. call function1

  3. function1

  4. ask function1

Correct Option: C

What are the ways to get the filename from the absolute path in a variable Mypath=/my/path/file

  1. filename=basename Mypath

  2. filename =file Mypath

  3. filename = ${Mypath#///}

  4. echo $Mypath | awk ‘ FS=”/” { print $4 } ‘

Correct Option: A,C,D

Which variable contains the return value of last executed command

  1. $!

  2. $?

  3. $#

  4. $@

Correct Option: B

which operator is used for testing condition

  1. check

  2. test

  3. expr

  4. find

Correct Option: B

Which variable holds the values of command line parameters

  1. $#

  2. $*

  3. $@

  4. $?

Correct Option: B

which variable holds the number of values of comman line parameters

  1. $#

  2. $*

  3. $@

  4. $?

Correct Option: A

ksh shell was developed by

  1. Korn Matt

  2. Karthick Subramanian

  3. David Korn

  4. Kandasamy

Correct Option: C
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