operating systems Online Quiz - 86

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 86
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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How can you append the output of a command to a file?

  1. command << file

  2. command > file

  3. command <> file

  4. command >> file

Correct Option: D

Using which command you can see your user name?

  1. whoami

  2. pwd

  3. who

  4. uname

Correct Option: A

How can you display list of all files, including the hidden files?

  1. find -a

  2. ls -a

  3. find all

  4. ls -l

Correct Option: B

How to create a new file, without opening it?

  1. touch filename

  2. cat filename

  3. less filename

  4. create filename

Correct Option: A

Using which command you can stop a process?

  1. stop

  2. kill

  3. delete

  4. sleep

Correct Option: B

How do you get all files, which having 3rd place as r, g or i?

  1. ls [rgi]

  2. ls ?3[rgi]*

  3. ls ??[rgi]*

  4. ls **[rgi]?

Correct Option: C

Which command is used to modify the access time of a file?

  1. chmod

  2. touch

  3. chown

  4. mtime

Correct Option: B

vim editor uses which hidden file for configuration settings

  1. .bashrc

  2. .exrc

  3. .usrc

  4. .vimrc

Correct Option: D

How do we configure the vim editor to automatically add numbers to the file when it opens?

  1. se nu

  2. se nonu

  3. se n

  4. se history

Correct Option: A

What command used to Look at a file, one page at a time

  1. cat

  2. more

  3. less

  4. view

Correct Option: B

Which command is used to display all the files?

  1. ls

  2. cat

  3. ls -a

  4. type

  5. dir

Correct Option: C

Which command is used to modify the access time of a file?

  1. chmod

  2. chown

  3. touch

  4. cd

  5. grep

Correct Option: C

vim editor uses which hidden file for configuration settings?

  1. .bashrc

  2. .exrc

  3. .etcrc

  4. .vimrc

  5. .usrc

Correct Option: D

How do we configure vim editor to automatically add numbers to the file when it opens?

  1. se nu

  2. se bs

  3. se history

  4. se noai

  5. se nonu

Correct Option: A

Which command is used to view the file without modifying it?

  1. view

  2. cat

  3. more

  4. head

  5. tail

Correct Option: B

How do you find out what's your shell?

  1. echo $shell

  2. ls $shell

  3. view $shell

  4. cat $shell

  5. show $shell

Correct Option: A

How do you stop a process?

  1. kill pid

  2. stop pid

  3. abort pid

  4. exit pid

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Which of these is a number comparison operator in shell scripts?

  1. -eq

  2. -ne

  3. -lt

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: D

Which of these is a Boolean logic operators in shell scritping?

    • !
    • a
    • o
  1. All of the above

  2. None of the above

Correct Option: D

You need to see the last fifteen lines of a file. What command should you use?

  1. tail -15 filename

  2. head -15 filename

  3. zcat -15 filename

  4. All of the above

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A
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