operating systems Online Quiz - 80

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 80
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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_____ Compares two files and displays the differences between them

  1. compare

  2. comfile

  3. fc

  4. diff files

Correct Option: C

Returns the media access control (MAC) address for your network card

  1. MAC /Info

  2. MAC /more

  3. getinfo MAC

  4. getmac

Correct Option: D

____ is suite of various networking and service commands

  1. network

  2. net

  3. netsh

  4. netstat

Correct Option: B

____ Manages the power settings such as hibernation. Has numerous switches

  1. powercfg

  2. powerutil

  3. system /power

  4. config /power

Correct Option: A

______ Displays, sets, or removes environment variables

  1. setvar

  2. setenv

  3. set

  4. env

Correct Option: C

_____ Displays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system

  1. system --help

  2. systeminfo

  3. sysinfo

  4. windows /system

Correct Option: B

____ Graphically displays the directory structure of a folder or drive

  1. root

  2. fpath

  3. fview

  4. tree

Correct Option: D

____ Displays or modifies file name extension associations. Used alone, displays a list of all the current file name associations

  1. filetype

  2. assoc

  3. ext

  4. display /ext

Correct Option: B

How to display Hidden files

  1. ls -r

  2. ls -R

  3. ls -a

  4. ls -l

Correct Option: C

Use of touch command

  1. Create a directory

  2. Create an empty file

  3. Modify the timestamp of a file

  4. Change the owner of a file

Correct Option: B,C

command to change the file permissions

  1. chown

  2. chmod

  3. chper

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Default link created by 'ln' command is ?

  1. Soft link

  2. Hard link

  3. Link

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Command to remove directory which is having few files inside.

  1. rmdir

  2. rm

  3. rm -r

  4. None

Correct Option: C

Command to rename a file in unix

  1. rename

  2. rm

  3. mv

  4. cp

Correct Option: C

wc command can be used to count the number of lines in a file

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

command to find a string inside a file.

  1. find

  2. grep

  3. search

  4. None

Correct Option: B

How to display Hidden files

  1. ls -r

  2. ls -R

  3. ls -a

  4. ls -l

Correct Option: C

Use of touch command

  1. Create a directory

  2. Create an empty file

  3. Modify the timestamp of a file

  4. Change the owner of a file

Correct Option: B,C

command to change the file permissions

  1. chown

  2. chmod

  3. chper

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Default link created by 'ln' command is ?

  1. Soft link

  2. Hard link

  3. Link

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
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