operating systems Online Quiz - 79
Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 79 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: operating systems |
Command to remove directory which is having few files inside.
Command to rename a file in unix
wc command can be used to count the number of lines in a file
command to find a string inside a file.
What is the purpose of sed command
output=1;echo "2+3"|bc|read output | echo $output What is the output ?
which command is used to create a zero byte file ?
" ls >| output.log " will overwrite the ouput.log file if present
How to list the directory and files structure up to a depth of one directory
Which function is used to show a Yes/No message box
Javasript is case sensitive
Is Javascript related to java
Is Ajax a programming platform
Which DOM property of a tag changes its html content
Originally code-named Monad, what is Microsoft's latest extensible command-line shell and scripting language?
What X.500- and LDAP-based technology did Microsoft introduce into its domain structure with the release of Windows Server 2000?
Which company employed Ray Ozzie immediately before he came to Microsoft?
The Windows OS architecture is highly modular and built on two layers. One layer is called User Mode. What is the other layer called?
Windows Server 2008 introduces a minimal installation option, known chiefly as "Windows without Windows." What is the official moniker of this option?
Fill in the blanks: To create a VPN in Windows NT 4.0, you would use the ____ protocol, which has been made obsolete in modern Windows VPNs through the use of the _____ protocol and IPSec