operating systems Online Quiz - 77
Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 77 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: operating systems |
Windows Firewall
Command to display all running process
How do you open My Computer?
How do you display the desktop?
How can you display the start menu?
What is the shortcut to redo the last command?
What is the shortcut to rename a file?
What is the shortcut to search for a file or folder?
What is the shortcut to expand the current selection?
What is the shortcut to activate the menu bar in a program?
Disk partition manager
How could you check if two strings are equal?
Which of the following would return the process ID of the sleep command?
Which of the following will always output "maple"?
What will be the output of "echo this || echo that && echo other"?
To change access modes on files you can use the chmod command ?
What is the difference between for i in "$@" and for i in "$*" ?
while getopts a:bc arg ; docase $arg ina ) echo "$OPTIND" ;;b ) echo "$OPTIND" ;;c ) echo "$OPTIND";;esacdoneWhat does the colon(':') after 'a' in the first line signify ?"
How will you search for the character '\' in a file ?