operating systems Online Quiz - 69

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 69
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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Which key sequence delete the previous word in vi editor?

  1. dW

  2. dG

  3. db

  4. dd

Correct Option: C

What are the modes used in vi editor?

  1. command mode

  2. Last line mode

  3. insert or input mode

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

What are the benefits of IPQoS?

  1. policy-based bandwidth provisioning

  2. automatic configuration of IP interfaces

  3. prioritize only inbound network bandwidth

  4. prioritize only outbound network bandwidth

Correct Option: A,D

What is the first step when creating an NIS Master server

  1. nisinit -a

  2. update all ASCII source file

  3. /sbin/init.d/ypinit start

  4. /sbin/init.d/nis.server start

Correct Option: B

Which command uses NTP to keep the local system clock in sync with other nodes on the network

  1. /usr/sbin/ntpsync

  2. /usr/sbin/ntpdate

  3. /usr/sbin/ntpscan

  4. /usr/sbin/ntpd.conf

Correct Option: B

Which command performs formatting of binary data generated by nettl

  1. nroff -e

  2. netformat -a

  3. nettl -l filename

  4. netfmt -f filename

Correct Option: D

On an HP-UX system, an empty cron.deny file exists but there is not a cron.allow file.Who can use cron in this situation?

  1. nobody

  2. only root

  3. everybody

  4. only system accounts

Correct Option: C

A user types history command and gets the following output 141 cd .tcs 142 ll tcs.lst 143 pwd 144 vi tcs.lst 145 ll -lrt | awk '{ print $NF }' 146 echo "Test" 147 ps -ef | grep lsnr 148 grep a * 149 ls 150 echo $PWD Refering to the scenario above, which one of the following is not a method for recovering the pwd command

  1. r 143

  2. fc -e -r p

  3. fc -e 143

  4. r -8

Correct Option: B

#! /bin/ksh for i in 1 2 3 4 ......... 50 # loop from 1 to 50 do let i=i+1 done echo $i What will be the output of the above script?

  1. 2450

  2. 1275

  3. 1225

  4. 2550

Correct Option: B

Crown margin mode can be done using which command

  1. nroff

  2. mm

  3. fmt

  4. tbl

Correct Option: C

Consider the script let i=2 while (( i <= ($l - 1) )); do if (( ($l % i ) == 0 )); then print $i $l $? break; fi let i=i+1 done What is the program all about and what are the possible outputs?

  1. checks prime number; returns one when not prime and zero when prime

  2. checks prime number; returns none when not prime and zero when prime

  3. checks prime number; returns zero when not prime and one when prime

  4. checks prime number; returns zero when not prime and none when prime

Correct Option: D

Consider the script "beach.sh" for i in $1; do if (( ${#i} > 4 )); then print -n "#$i " fi done beach.sh "On the beach at night, stands a child with her father"

  1. #On the beach at night, stands a child with her father

  2. #On #the #at #a #with #her

  3. #beac #nigh #stan #chil #fath

  4. #beach #night, #stands #child #father

Correct Option: D

which of the following command sets the previously undefined variable x to 40?

  1. typset x=32+8

  2. set x=32+8

  3. let x=32+8

  4. x=32+8

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following command shows the last 50 commands the user has entered.

  1. fc -l 50

  2. fc -l -50

  3. history 50

  4. history $$

Correct Option: B

Which one of the following is the syntax for a pattern that matches the null string or a filename beginning with a or A

  1. ?([A-a].*)

  2. ?([aA]*)

  3. ?([aA].*)

  4. ?([aA]$)

Correct Option: B

Consider the following case echo * We know that the output will be the list of all the files in current directory or equivalent to ls output. Which of the following command gives the ouput as * for the above script.

  1. set -t

  2. set -m

  3. set -f

  4. set -l

Correct Option: C

Which key allows to append the script in next line

  1. Single quote

  2. front slash

  3. full stop

  4. back slash

Correct Option: D

Consider the following case
echo *
We know that the output will be the list of all the files in current directory or equivalent to ls output.
Which of the following command gives the ouput as * for the above script.

  1. set -t

  2. set -m

  3. set -f

  4. set -l

Correct Option: C

#! /bin/ksh
for i in 1 2 3 4 ......... 50 # loop from 1 to 50
let i=i+1
echo $i

What will be the output of the above script?

  1. 2450

  2. 1275

  3. 1225

  4. 2550

Correct Option: B

Consider the script "beach.sh"
for i in $1; do
if (( ${#i} > 4 )); then
print -n "#$i "

beach.sh "On the beach at night, stands a child with her father"

  1. #On the beach at night, stands a child with her father

  2. #On #the #at #a #with #her

  3. #beac #nigh #stan #chil #fath

  4. #beach #night, #stands #child #father

Correct Option: D
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