operating systems Online Quiz - 36
Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 36 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: operating systems |
Grep usually takes the input from another command (usually content of file or folders etc) where Find works without taking input from another command
The tar command archives and extracts files to and from a single file called a tarfile.
which is faster
Default time in UNIX is called
current user -> test, base user -> root which of the following is correct
script command is
giving the command cd , what will be the action of the shell
how to create a directory test and its child subtest using a single command
will the command cd* work
In Unix, files on a file-system are accessible before mouting ?
File access permission 100 implies that:
inode contains following information
inode contains ____ direct pointers to data blocks of file data
Blocks pointing to data blocks (single indirect, double indirect) are collectively known as ______
If your file size is (12*size of one block) or less, how many indirect pointing blocks do you need ?
If in an Indirect pointer block has:1) address is of 2 bytes and 2)one block is of 1024 bytes, then how many pointers to indirect blocks can this block have ?
File access permisions are grouped in this sequence:
Tape is a ____ access type of storage media
A Snapshot takes _______ copy of the file system.
How many devices can be connected through SCSI cable according to SCSI-1