operating systems Online Quiz - 34

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 34
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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If you want to add a Tid to any unix server in Chrysler Environment, which team you have to contact?

  1. SECUX

  2. CSOSS

  3. NCC

  4. UNICS

Correct Option: A

what is the expansion of UNICS?

  1. UNiplexed Information and Computing System

  2. UNified Information and Computing System

  3. UNIX Information and Calculating System

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

If you want to set the permission for a directory, such that except owner no one else should have access, even to view the directory contents

  1. chmod 744 dirname

  2. chmod 755 dirname

  3. chmod 700 dirname

  4. chmod 711 dirname

Correct Option: A,C,D

UNIX is a

  1. single-user system

  2. multitasking

  3. operating system

  4. Open Source

Correct Option: B,C,D

Which operating system is popular in universities?

  1. UNIX

  2. Android

  3. Microsoft

  4. Mac OS

Correct Option: A

MacOS is derived from

  1. UNIX

  2. Microsoft

  3. All the above

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

UNIX is made of

  1. Kernal

  2. Shell

  3. Programs

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Unix File System

  1. controls the way that information in files and directories is stored on disk

  2. It schedules the task to Processor

  3. An memory driver

  4. It controls which users can access what items and how

Correct Option: A,D

How to append the content of one file to other using cat.

  1. cat file1 > file2

  2. cat file1, file2

  3. cat file1>>file2

  4. cat file1 < file 2

Correct Option: C

Touch command will?

  1. Create zero byte file

  2. Creates an log file

  3. Create blank directory

  4. Create blank file

Correct Option: A,D

man is used for help in unix?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

which command is very dangerous?

  1. cp

  2. mv

  3. rm

  4. ls

Correct Option: C

cd - will?

  1. change directory to parent directory

  2. change directory to root directory

  3. change directory to previous working directory

  4. change directory to home directory

Correct Option: C

UNIX can be used for desktop PC's?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Time-sharing is the

  1. multi-threading

  2. multiprogramming and multi-tasking

  3. multiprogramming and multi-threading

  4. multi-threading and multi-user

Correct Option: B

If a user Logs in as root(super) then unix command terminal will have $

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which technology can be used to improve the GUI of mobile applications?

  1. JavaFX

  2. J2ME Polish

  3. Both a and b

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

What is the runtime environment for J2ME mobile application?

  1. C Virtual Machine (CVM )

  2. Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)

  3. Java Virtual Machine (JVM )

  4. Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Match the extension of the installers with the mobiles a. .jar i. iPhone b. .cod ii. Blackberry c. .apk iii. Nokia d. .app iv. Android

  1. a-iii,b-ii,c-iv,d-i

  2. a-ii,b-i,c-iv,d-iii

  3. a-i,b-ii,c-iii,d-iv

  4. a-iii,b-ii,c-i,d-iv

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Match the extension of the installers with the mobiles a. .jar i. iPhone b. .cod ii. Blackberry c. .apk iii. Nokia d. .app iv. Android

  1. a-iii,b-ii,c-iv,d-i

  2. a-ii,b-i,c-iv,d-iii

  3. a-i,b-ii,c-iii,d-iv

  4. a-iii,b-ii,c-i,d-iv

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A
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