operating systems Online Quiz - 29

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 29
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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which command is used to display information about local and remote users?

  1. finger

  2. whois

  3. who

  4. whoami

Correct Option: A

Which command is used to delete all files in the current directory and all its sub-directories?

  1. rm

  2. rm -r

  3. rmdir

  4. del

Correct Option: B

How to switch to a super user status to gain privileges?

  1. sc

  2. su

  3. switch

  4. login

Correct Option: B

What is/are the default UMASK value in Linux?

  1. 002

  2. 022

  3. 020

  4. 200

Correct Option: A,B

To show the current PID what command should be execute?

  1. echo$$

  2. echo$PID

  3. echo$USER

  4. echo$user

Correct Option: A

What is the GID value of root?

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. 3

Correct Option: A

What is the PID value for root?

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 2

  4. 3

Correct Option: A

What is the default permission for Directory?

  1. 777

  2. 755

  3. 666

  4. 644

Correct Option: B

How many Processor are supported by 'Enterprise Edition' of Win2003 Server?

  1. 1-2

  2. 1-4

  3. 1-8

  4. 8-32

Correct Option: C

Basic Disk can contain up to..

  1. 4-Primary Partitions

  2. 4-Extended Partitions

  3. 3-Primary and 1-Extended Partitions

  4. 1-Primary and 3-Extended Partitions

Correct Option: A,C

Which File-System is more secure?

  1. Fat-12

  2. Fat-16

  3. Fat-32

  4. NTFS

Correct Option: D

'QUOTA' can be allocated in FAT-32 FileSystem.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Integrated Browser(Web browser engine) in Android depends on the open source________________________engine.

  1. Opera

  2. Mozilla Firefox

  3. Google Chrome

  4. Apple Safari

  5. WebKit

Correct Option: E

Data Storage(DataBase) in Android is achieved by

  1. MySQL

  2. Microsoft SQL Server

  3. SQLite

  4. Oracle

  5. DB2

Correct Option: C

Choose the major components present in Android Architecture from the following options?(Note: More than one option may be correct)

  1. Applications

  2. Application FrameWork

  3. Libraries

  4. Android Runtime

  5. Linux Kernel

Correct Option: B,C,D,E

Android relies on which Linux version for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model?

  1. Linux version 2.3

  2. Linux version 2.4

  3. Linux version 2.5

  4. Linux version 2.6

  5. Linux version 2.7

Correct Option: D

Four Major Application Components present in Android are:

  1. activity,service,broadcast transmitter and content provider

  2. actions,service,broadcast receiver and content enabler

  3. activity,servlets,broadcast enabler and content getter

  4. activity,service,broadcast receiver and content provider

  5. activity,service,transmitter,receive

Correct Option: D

Three Essential States of Activity Lifecycle are

  1. active,passive and exit

  2. active,paused and stopped

  3. active,running and final

  4. start,running and stop

  5. entry,process and exit

Correct Option: B

Some inValid Methods (Java's Method since the code is developed in Java Programming Language for android) names available in activity lifecycle are

  1. void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

  2. void onStart()

  3. void onResume()

  4. void onDestroy()

  5. void onExit

Correct Option: E

User Interface Layout in android is developed using

  1. HyperText Markup Language(HTTP)

  2. Extensible Markup Language(XML)

  3. Cascading Stype Sheets(CSS)

  4. eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language(XHTML)

  5. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML(AJAX)

Correct Option: B
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