operating systems Online Quiz - 23

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 23
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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While working with Ms-Dos which command transfers a specific file from one disk to another?

  1. Copy

  2. Diskcopy

  3. Time

  4. Rename

Correct Option: A

If you don’t know the current time, which command will you use to display

  1. Copy

  2. Ver

  3. Time

  4. Format

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand basic command prompt commands.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Copy - This option is incorrect because the "copy" command is used to copy files or directories from one location to another.

Option B) Ver - This option is incorrect because the "ver" command is used to display the operating system version.

Option C) Time - This option is correct because the "time" command is used to display the current system time.

Option D) Format - This option is incorrect because the "format" command is used to format a disk or a drive.

The correct answer is C) Time. This option is correct because the "time" command is used to display the current system time.

Which command divides the surface of the blank disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one

  1. Ver

  2. Format

  3. Fat

  4. Chkdsk

Correct Option: B

Each time you turn on your computer, it will check on the control file

  1. Command.com, io.sys

  2. Command.com, date.com, dir.com

  3. Command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys

  4. Chkdsk.exe

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the boot process of a computer and the files involved.

When you turn on your computer, the boot process begins. One of the first steps in this process is to check the control file, which contains important information about the operating system.

Option A) Command.com, io.sys - This option is incorrect because it only mentions two files, while the correct answer has three files.

Option B) Command.com, date.com, dir.com - This option is incorrect because it mentions three files, but none of them are the correct control file.

Option C) Command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys - This option is correct because it includes all three files that are part of the control file. Command.com is the command interpreter, io.sys is the input/output system file, and msdos.sys is the Microsoft DOS system file.

Option D) Chkdsk.exe - This option is incorrect because Chkdsk.exe is a utility used to check and repair file system errors, but it is not part of the control file.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) Command.com, io.sys, msdos.sys. This option is correct because it includes all three files that make up the control file.

If you need to duplicate the entire disk, which command will you use?

  1. Copy

  2. Diskcopy

  3. Chkdsk

  4. Format

Correct Option: B

Which of the following extensions suggest that the file is a backup copy

  1. Bak

  2. Bas

  3. Com

  4. Txt

Correct Option: B

Which command lists the contents of current directory of a disk

  1. copy

  2. tree

  3. CD

  4. DIR

Correct Option: D

Only filenames and extensions are to be displayed in wide format, which command you’ll use?

  1. Dir/w

  2. Dir a:

  3. Dir/s

  4. Dir/b

Correct Option: A

Which program opens the display property?

  1. DISPLAY.cpl

  2. DESK.cpl

  3. DISP.cpl

  4. DISPROP.cpl

Correct Option: B

Which program opens the Accessibility Options?

  1. accsopt.cpl

  2. permopt.cpl

  3. access.cpl

  4. groupacc.cpl

Correct Option: C

Which program opens the App - Add/Remove Programs ?

  1. addrem.cpl

  2. contrlprog.cpl

  3. appwiz.cpl

  4. progcntrl.cpl

Correct Option: C

Which program opens the Hardware - Add New Hardware Wizard?

  1. addhdw.cpl

  2. hdwwiz.cpl

  3. opnhdwwiz.cpl

  4. hdwadd.cpl

Correct Option: B

Which program opens the Internet Properties window?

  1. inetcpl.cpl

  2. internet.cpl

  3. inetprop.cpl

  4. configint.cpl

Correct Option: A

Which program opens the International/Regional Settings screen?

  1. REGCP.cpl

  2. LANREG.cpl

  3. REGSET.cpl

  4. INTL.cpl

Correct Option: D

Which program opens the International/Regional Settings screen?

  1. REGCP.cpl

  2. LANREG.cpl

  3. REGSET.cpl

  4. INTL.cpl

Correct Option: D

Which program opens the Mouse, Font, Keyboard, Printers settings screen?

  1. settitngs.cpl

  2. main.cpl

  3. conso.cpl

  4. interface.cpl

Correct Option: B

Which program opens the Multimedia and Sounds properties window?

  1. MMSYS.cpl

  2. SOUND.cpl

  3. SYSCNFG.cpl

  4. SMSYS.cpl

Correct Option: A

Which program opens the Network Connections window?

  1. ncpa.cpl

  2. ntwconfig.cpl

  3. conn.cpl

  4. ntwcon.cpl

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to be familiar with the programs that are used to open the Network Connections window in Windows.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) ncpa.cpl - This option is correct because ncpa.cpl is the program that opens the Network Connections window in Windows.

Option B) ntwconfig.cpl - This option is incorrect because ntwconfig.cpl is not the program that opens the Network Connections window. It is not a valid program.

Option C) conn.cpl - This option is incorrect because conn.cpl is not the program that opens the Network Connections window. It is not a valid program.

Option D) ntwcon.cpl - This option is incorrect because ntwcon.cpl is not the program that opens the Network Connections window. It is not a valid program.

The correct answer is Option A) ncpa.cpl. This option is correct because ncpa.cpl is the program that opens the Network Connections window in Windows.

Which program opens the ODBC Datasource administration window?

  1. odbcc.cpl

  2. odbcconfig.cpl

  3. odbccp32.cpl

  4. adminodbc.cpl

Correct Option: C

Which Program Opens Power Options ?

  1. cnfgpwr.cpl

  2. powercfg.cpl

  3. powrcfg.cpl

  4. powrconfig.cpl

Correct Option: B
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