operating systems Online Quiz - 7

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 7
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
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How can you insert a new line in vi ?

  1. Esc+O

  2. Esc+i

  3. Esc+G

  4. Esc+x

Correct Option: A

How can I remove a directory Fold1 (/home/Mydir/Fold1) which have 3 files in it .

  1. rm /home/Mydir/Fold1

  2. remove /home/Mydir/Fold1

  3. rm -r /home/Mydir/Fold1

  4. rmdir /home/Mydir/Fold1

Correct Option: C

Which command will search recursively in directories to list the file having a string “file” inside it's content.

  1. grep -l file find . -type f

  2. Find . -type f | grep file

  3. ls -1 | grep file

  4. grep file ls -1

Correct Option: A

What do you use to forward errors to a file?

  1. &> filename

  2. 1> filename

  3. 2> /dev/null

  4. 2> filename

Correct Option: D

How to create a new file without opening it

  1. vi filename

  2. touch filename

  3. cat filename

  4. more filename

Correct Option: B

How can you append the output of a command to a file

  1. command <> file

  2. command > file

  3. command | file

  4. file > command

Correct Option: B

cal command is used to

  1. date

  2. day

  3. calendar

  4. month

Correct Option: C

grep is used to

  1. search a pattern

  2. grape juice

  3. grip a file

  4. compress a file

Correct Option: A

ls -i is used to

  1. list all files

  2. list all hidden files

  3. list files with inode number

  4. list files starting with i

Correct Option: C

vi is an

  1. editor

  2. variable

  3. object

  4. class

Correct Option: A

chmod is used to

  1. change moderators

  2. change permission mode

  3. change mind set

  4. change nothing

Correct Option: B

What is UNIX?

  1. Operating system

  2. Comapny

  3. Computer Language

  4. software

Correct Option: A

Which company originally developed UNIX?

  1. NASA

  2. AT&T

  3. IBM

  4. Apple

Correct Option: B

Which of the following operating systems are based on the UNIX kernel?

  1. Sun Solaris

  2. MAC OS X

  3. Windows 7

  4. chrome OS

Correct Option: A,B,D

Unix is written in a..........

  1. In high level language (C)

  2. Assembly language (low level)

  3. Machine Language

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

What is a Unix shell?

  1. A game

  2. A command-line interperter

  3. A sound card driver

  4. A text editor

Correct Option: B

Command to create user account in unix?

  1. createuser

  2. newuser add

  3. adduser

  4. useradd

Correct Option: D

Command use to connect to the outside world in unix

  1. remote

  2. internet

  3. vpn

  4. telnet

Correct Option: D

How do you create a new directory called "flower"?

  1. newdir flower

  2. mkdir flower

  3. crdir

  4. mkdir

Correct Option: B
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