operating systems Online Quiz - 1

Description: operating systems Online Quiz - 1
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: operating systems
Attempted 0/20 Correct 0 Score 0

How do you find out the current directory you’re in?

  1. $dir

  2. pwd

  3. currdir

  4. none

Correct Option: B

What are the default umask values

  1. 000

  2. 022

  3. 033

  4. 222

Correct Option: B
  1. Hardware

  2. Kernel

  3. Shell

  4. Application Programs

Correct Option: B

Which command is used to modify the modification time and access times of a file

  1. modify

  2. touch

  3. cat

  4. Not possible

Correct Option: B

Which command is used to create a zero size file?

  1. cat

  2. create

  3. touch

  4. new

Correct Option: C

Which command can be used to view the current users login name?

  1. logname

  2. who

  3. whos

  4. ps

Correct Option: A

UNIX is a single user operating environment

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Whats the command used when the terminal settings are disrupted and we see garbage in our terminal

  1. stty -d

  2. tput clear

  3. stty sane

  4. stty clear

Correct Option: C

Which of the following commands can compress a file and as well as archive it?

  1. tar

  2. gzip

  3. xr

  4. zip

Correct Option: D

Which command is used to ensure that background jobs continue to run even after logginf off.

  1. noexit

  2. nokill

  3. xlog

  4. nohup

Correct Option: D

Whats the procedure to ensure that the output of a command is not displayed on the terminal?

  1. command >

  2. command > /dev/null

  3. command | cat *

  4. command < /dev/null

Correct Option: B

which of the following is not the unix command to send email

  1. mail

  2. mailx

  3. Mail

  4. email

Correct Option: D

which command displays the disk space in unix

  1. dl -k

  2. ls -k

  3. df -k

  4. dz -k

Correct Option: C
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