programming languages Online Quiz - 332
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 332 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
What is the purpose of sync command?
User's with user id as 0 (Zero) are
"Count the number of errors in the statement if [password = password1] then echo password else password"
How do I uncompress a file?
How do I tar/untar a file?
For some file the access permissions are modified to 764. Which of the following
What is a system call()
What is SPOOL?
How to sort a file in decending order
"Which one of the following lines is correctly formatted as the last line of a /etc/printcap file? "
Which of these commands finds all lines on which the word "Linux" occurs and then deletes them in vi editor
"What do you use the rp field in the /etc/printcap file to specify? "
"Which of the following does the .seq file in the printer spooling directories do? "
If the argument list is omitted from a for command, where does it take its values from?
"Without using the shift command, what range of command-line argument variables can be referenced correctly? "