programming languages Online Quiz - 328
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 328 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
Given the following jsp line select the correct statements:
What will be printed out if this jsp code?
What is the return type of the getLastModified method of HttpServlet?
What will be the result of running the following jsp file taking into account that the Web server has just been started and this is the first page loaded by the server?
What statements are correct about the method PageContext.findAttribute(String name)?
. Which are mandatory elements of the web-resouce-collection element?
What are the types returned by the ServletContext method getResource and getResourceAsStream?
Which of the following statements regarding HttpRequest methods are correct?
Which statements are correct about the method PageContext.include?
Which of the following statements PageConext methods pushBody and popBody are true?
. Is it true that all tags have a parent tag,which is null for top-level tags, and is the innermost containing tag for nested tags.
You are calling the method HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String path) and you want to make sure that the user continues in the same session. How do you that?
Which statements are true about the auth-constraint element?
class a { public staic void main(String ar[]) { String s="abcxyz"; s.substring(2,5) System.out.println(s); } }
A class without main method can be compiled successfuly.
class a { public staic void main(String ar[]) { String s="abcxyz"; s.substring(2,5); System.out.println(s); } }
Find the output of this program.1. void main(){ float j; j=1000*1000; printf("%f",j); }
Find the output of this program. 1. void main(){ float j; j=1000*1000; printf("%f",j); }
Find the output of this program. main() { int a[10]; printf("%d",*a+1-*a+3) ; }
Find the output of this program. main() { int i=0; while(+(+i--)!=0) i-=i++; printf("%d",i); }