programming languages Online Quiz - 244
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 244 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
What should be the record length for a variable length file?
For getting the dump of user and system areas to the output device when a job terminates, we have to use which parameter?
To request that the system dump the storage occupied by a failing program, --- DD statement can code in the step to be dumped?
What is the maximum number of DD stmt a step can have?
What is the default value for MSGLEVEL keyword?
In jsp the java bean can not used in below scope
What is keyword to make the job run for an unlimited time.
Name the implicit variable available to JSP pages that may be used to access all the other implicit objects.
What is default delimiter for instream data?
Which of the following statements are true for . Select the two correct answers.
Which is the correct statement which will check only for errors?
A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement Which of the following statements may be used to print the value of color property of the bean. Select the one correct answer.
What IBM utility is used to rename a dataset?
Which one is the valid statement? 1 SYSIN DD DSN=DUMMY 2 SYSIN DD * 3 SYSIN DD DUMMY 4 SYSIN DD DSN=NULLFILE
A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement Which of the following statements may be used to set the of color property of the bean. Select the one correct answer.
A bean with a property color is loaded using the following statement What happens when the following statement is executed. Select the one correct answer.
Is the following statement true or false. If the isThreadSafe attribute of the page directive is false, then the generated servlet implements the SingleThreadModel interface.
Which of the following represents a correct syntax for usebean. Select the two correct answers.
Name the default value of the scope atribute of .
If DISP parameter is not coded in the DD statement that what is the default value?