programming languages Online Quiz - 232
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 232 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
Which of the option is correct regarding two statements mentioned below :(a) ARITH(EXTEND) is slower than ARITH(COMPAT)(b) AWO is slower than NOAWO
What does ELPA stands for
Which one of the following is false about CISZ
In general which of following type of access is least efficient in VSAM
When using binary (COMP) data items, the use of the SYNCHRONIZED clause specifies that
On the average, ARITH(EXTEND) was ---------ARITH(COMPAT), with a range of equivalent to ------.
In terms of Performance considerations for PACKED-DECIMAL,the following statement is true.....
The ARITH(EXTEND) compiler option allows you to control the maximum number of digits is ----?
The ARITH(COMPAT) compiler option allows you to control the maximum number of digits is-----?
An exception can be caught by a catch block with an argument type that is a superclass of the thrown exception.
a method cannot be declared as throwing more than one exception.
can you have a final abstract class?
an abstract class can have a constructor?
It is legal to access a static method using an instance of the class?
assuming all variables are declared and initialized properly this will compile. for(i=l; k< 5; j++){};
EJB stands for ....
It is not possible to have an instance of a non-static inner class before any instances of the outer class have been created.
If method A declares that it throws an exception and method B calls method A,then method B must ALWAYS declare the same exception.
This is legal. float f = 2;
Static variables are implicitly final.