programming languages Online Quiz - 196

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 196
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: programming languages
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  1. Type 1 driver

  2. Type 2 driver

  3. Type 3 driver

  4. Type 4 driver

Correct Option: A

How can you retrieve information from a ResultSet?

  1. By invoking the method get (..., String type) on the ResultSet, where type is the database

  2. By invoking the method get (..., Type type) on the ResultSet, where Type is an object

  3. By invoking the method getValue (...), and cast the result to the desired java type.

  4. By invoking the special getter methods on the ResultSet: getString (...), get Boolean (...),

Correct Option: D

How can you execute DML statements in the database?

  1. By making use of the InsertStatement, DeleteStatement or UpdateStatement classes

  2. By invoking the execute(...) or executeUpdate(...) method of a normal Statement object

  3. By invoking the executeInsert(...), executeDelete(...) or executeUpdate(...) methods of

  4. By making use of the execute(...) statement of the DataModificationStatement object

Correct Option: B

How do you know in your Java program that a SQL warning is generated as a result of executing a SQL statement in the database?

  1. You must catch the checked SQLException which is thrown by the method which executes

  2. You must catch the unchecked SQLWarningException which is thrown by the method

  3. You must invoke the getWarnings() method on the Statement object (or a sub interface

  4. You must query the ResultSet object about possible warnings generated by the database

Correct Option: C

What is, in terms of JDBC, a DataSource?

  1. A DataSource is the basic service for managing a set of JDBC drivers

  2. A DataSource is the Java representation of a physical data source

  3. A DataSource is a registry point for JNDI-services

  4. A DataSource is a factory of connections to a physical data source

Correct Option: D

What is the meaning of ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE

  1. This means that the ResultSet is insensitive to scrolling

  2. This means that the Resultset is sensitive to scrolling, but insensitive to updates, i.e. not

  3. This means that the ResultSet is sensitive to scrolling, but insensitive to changes made by others

  4. The meaning depends on the type of data source, and the type and version of the driver you use with this data source

Correct Option: C
  1. This means that the ResultSet is insensitive to scrolling

  2. This means that the Resultset is sensitive to scrolling, but insensitive to updates, i.e. not

  3. This means that the ResultSet is sensitive to scrolling, but insensitive to changes made by others

  4. The meaning depends on the type of data source, and the type and version of the driver you use with this data source

Correct Option: C

Class C { public static void main(String[] args) { int[]a1[]=new int[3][3]; //3 int a2[4]={3,4,5,6}; //4 int a2[5]; //5 }} What is the result of attempting to compile and run the program ?.

  1. compiletime error at lines 3,4,5

  2. compiltime error at line 4,5

  3. compiletime error at line 3

  4. Runtime Exception

Correct Option: B

Setting the following properties for object in ASP.NET results in Response.Buffer = True Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now().Subtract(New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0)) Response.Expires = 0 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"

  1. The session expires

  2. Clears the buffer area

  3. Avoid page to be cached

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: C

class C{ int i; public static void main (String[] args) { int i; //1 private int a = 1; //2 protected int b = 1; //3 public int c = 1; //4 System.out.println(a+b+c); //5 }}

  1. compiletime error at lines 1,2,3,4,5

  2. compiletime error at lines 2,3,4,5

  3. compiletime error at lines 2,3,4

  4. prints 3

Correct Option: B

Which application is used for system and network administrators to manage and control the Actuate report servers

  1. Actuate Report Server

  2. Actuate Active Portal

  3. Actuate Management Console

  4. Actuate eRDPro

Correct Option: C
  1. Actuate Report Design (.rod file)

  2. Actuate Report Executable (.rox file)

  3. Actuate Basic Source(.bas file)

  4. Actuate Report Document (.roi file)

Correct Option: C

Which of the following file formats does the reporting system supports

  1. PDF

  2. CSV

  3. EXCEL

  4. WORD

  5. RTF

Correct Option: A,B,C
  1. Ac Visual component

  2. Data row Component

  3. Ac Report Controller

  4. Ac Connection

Correct Option: B
  1. Data Adapter

  2. Data Filter

  3. Data Stream

  4. Report section

Correct Option: C
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