programming languages Online Quiz - 186

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 186
Number of Questions: 19
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Tags: programming languages
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Which of the following is correct syntax for an Abstract class ?

  1. abstract double area() { }

  2. abstract double area()

  3. abstract double area();

  4. abstract double area(); { }

Correct Option: C

Which file contains the web application that can be deployed on the any servlet/jsp container?

  1. .jar

  2. .war

  3. .ear

  4. .zip

Correct Option: B

What are the two parts of a value of type double?

  1. significant digits

  2. length

  3. exponent

  4. Both a & b

Correct Option: D

A method declared as final

  1. Can be overridden

  2. Cannot be overridden

  3. Can be inherited

  4. Cannot be inherited

Correct Option: B

What are the different ways for session tracking?

  1. Cookies

  2. URL rewriting

  3. HttpSession

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following may have duplicate elements?

  1. Collection

  2. List

  3. Map

  4. Both a & b

Correct Option: D

How to create a serial class, Extend _____

  1. %SerialObject

  2. %RegisteredObject

  3. %Persistent

  4. %Transient

Correct Option: A

select the open commands available in cache

  1. Oref()

  2. Open()

  3. Openid()

  4. New()

Correct Option: B,C

if class D is inheriting Classes A,B and C and all of them have a property p, then in class D while accessing propert p which super class would be used, Declaration of class :- Class D Extends A,B,C {}

  1. A

  2. B

  3. C

  4. D

  5. %system

Correct Option: C

what are %classes

  1. System

  2. User defined

  3. parametrized

  4. Hidden

Correct Option: A

How to create a transient class, Extend _____

  1. %SerialObject

  2. %RegisteredObject

  3. %Persistent

  4. %Transient

Correct Option: B

Is multiple inheritance allowed?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

select the option for- syntax for writing a class parameter

  1. w var1

  2. w this.var1

  3. w ..var1

  4. w ..#var1

  5. w (classname).var1

Correct Option: D

Which of the following are class keywords?

  1. Clientdatatype

  2. Abstract

  3. super

  4. classtype

  5. final

Correct Option: A,B,C,D,E

select all the valid values for collation

  1. sqlupper

  2. sqlvarchar

  3. exact

  4. mvr

  5. truncate

Correct Option: A,C,D

select the correct options-

  1. Data type classes cannot be instantiated

  2. Data type classes can contain properties

  3. Data type classes automatically includes methods for validation and translation

  4. Data type classes cannot be inherited

Correct Option: A,C

select the correct options for - how are class keywords handled in multiple inheritance ?

  1. keywords are not inherted

  2. keywords from first superclass are inherited

  3. keywords from last superclass are inherited

  4. keywords from all superclasses are inherited

Correct Option: B

Which is the correct definition of welcome files in web.xml?

  1. index.jsp

  2. index.jsp

  3. index.jsp

  4. index.jsp

Correct Option: B

Which is the correct definition of welcome files in web.xml?

  1. index.jsp

  2. index.jsp

  3. index.jsp

  4. index.jsp

Correct Option: B
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