programming languages Online Quiz - 180
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 180 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
The parameter Id of the field will be mentioned at what level?
What is T-code for Database Utility?
The internal table itab1 has the following values Itab1-f1 10 20 50 30 70 .What is the output of the code? read table itab1 into v_tab index 3 binary search. if sy-subrc eq 0. write: v_tab-f1. endif.
In the where clause of select query having the non primary key fields Select….where A And B And C .Created a secondary index having A field first and D field next .Will Select query uses this secondary index?
REPORT ZTEST. statics: a(3) type c value ‘10’. data: b(3) type c value ‘10’. Do 5 times. perform add using a b. enddo. write: a,b. form ADD using a b. if sy-index eq 3. exit. else. a = a + 1. b = b + 1. endif. endform. " ADD What is the values of a and b?
Which is the most suitable Java collection class for storing various companies and their stock prices? It is required that the class should support synchronization inherently.
int i = 3; switch (i) { default: System.out.println("default"); case 0: System.out.println("zero"); case 1: System.out.println("one"); break; case 2: System.out.println("two"); }
Which of the following statements is not true about threads?
The concept of hiding the implementation details of a class and allowing access to the class through a public interface is called as
The '&' operator in java
Select the new keyword since J2SE 1.4
Assume the bit pattern of byte x is: 10110001. What will the sign of x be after x>>2?
What happens when you compare two primitives of different numerical types?
All exceptions inherit from
package polymorphism; class TestSup { static int p = 100; } public class TestPoly extends TestSup { public static void main(String[] args) { TestPoly TP = new TestPoly(); TP.p = 400; TestSup TS = new TestSup(); TS.p = 100; TestSup TSP = new TestPoly(); TSP.p = 500; System.out.print("TestSup = " + TestSup.p); System.out.print(" ,TestPoly = " + TestPoly.p); System.out.print(" ,TP = " + TP.p); System.out.print(" ,TS = " + TS.p); System.out.print(" ,TSP = " + TSP.p); } }
package polymorphism; class TestPolymorphismSuper { int p; TestPolymorphismSuper testPoly() { TestPolymorphismSuper TS = new TestPolymorphismSuper(); TS.p =100; return TS; } } public class TestPolymorphism1 extends TestPolymorphismSuper{ TestPolymorphism1 testPoly() { TestPolymorphism1 TSub = new TestPolymorphism1(); TSub.p =500; return TSub; } public static void main(String[] args) { TestPolymorphismSuper TSuper = new TestPolymorphism1(); TSuper = TSuper.testPoly(); System.out.println(TSuper.p); } }
package polymorphism; class TestPolymorphismSuper1 { String name; TestPolymorphism2 testPoly() { TestPolymorphism2 TS = new TestPolymorphism2(); ="tcs"; return TS; } } public class TestPolymorphism2 extends TestPolymorphismSuper1{ TestPolymorphism2 testPoly() { TestPolymorphism2 TSub = new TestPolymorphism2(); = "UX"; return TSub; } public static void main(String[] args) { TestPolymorphismSuper1 TSuper = new TestPolymorphism2(); TSuper.testPoly(); System.out.println(; } }
package polymorphism; class TestSuperr { double TestPoly(long a, float b, int c) { return ((a + b) * c); } } public class TestPolym extends TestSuperr { double TestPoly(long a, double b, int c) { return (a + b + c); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestSuperr TSU = new TestPolym(); double p = TSU.TestPoly(11, 9, 10); System.out.print("p = " + p); p1 = TSU.TestPoly(11, 9.0, 10); System.out.print(" ,p1 = " + p1); } }
package polymorphism; class TestSupe { static int p = 100; } public class TestPoly1 extends TestSupe { static int p =1000; public static void main(String[] args) { TestPoly1 TP = new TestPoly1(); TP.p = 400; TestSupe TS = new TestSupe(); TS.p = 300; TestSupe TSP = new TestPoly1(); TSP.p = 500; System.out.print("TestSupe = " + TestSupe.p); System.out.print(" ,TestPoly = " + TestPoly1.p); System.out.print(" ,TP = " + TP.p); System.out.print(" ,TS = " + TS.p); System.out.print(" ,TSP = " + TSP.p); } }
package exceptions; public class TestException4 { static String trimString(String x) { return x.trim(); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { String s = trimString(" tcs "); System.out.println("s = "+s); } finally { System.out.println("In finally"); } } }