programming languages Online Quiz - 172

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 172
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: programming languages
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M1 program is called in

  1. Only in Pre-WIP Only

  2. Only in Post-WIP

  3. Only in Standard Process

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

Input for the M1 program are

  1. .CON File

  2. .COD File

  3. .COM File

  4. WC3 Database

  5. Member File

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

Main output of the M1 program is

  1. Con File

  2. COM file

  3. Invalid File

  4. Member-File

Correct Option: D

Wc3 Componenets include

  1. Messaging

  2. Inserts

  3. Special Requests

  4. Client data

  5. All of the Above

Correct Option: A,B,C

Pre-WIP process is used

  1. To View the PDFs of the Card/Carrier Samples

  2. To Varify the data

  3. To reject the record

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

WC3 Online interface is used

  1. To View the Pre-WIP Data

  2. To Apply the WC3 Components

  3. To View the details of old processed records

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

M2 program is used in Post-wip and in Standard process

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The main taks which are performed through M2 program are

  1. Job Breaking

  2. Metadoc Generation

  3. K1DBloader Creation

  4. Member File Updation

  5. All of The Above

Correct Option: A,B

Job Breaking is done based on

  1. Special Requests

  2. Carrier Count

  3. Indicative keys

  4. All of The Above

Correct Option: D

Metadoc is

  1. Store all the main information regarding the records of a Job

  2. Its is used to view the PDF of the old records

  3. It is used to view the information online

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

Which program is used to generate the Thincard feed

  1. HC9999M1WC3

  2. HC9999R0

  3. HC9999CC

  4. HC9999CD

  5. HC9999M2

Correct Option: D

HC9999CD program is executed in both

  1. Pre-WIP

  2. Post-WIP

  3. Standard Process

  4. All of the Above

Correct Option: D

Which program is used to call the HC9999Cd program in M1 and M2 processing

  1. HC9999CC

  2. HC9999M1

  3. HC9999CD

  4. HC9999M2

  5. HC9999E0

Correct Option: A

Job specific lines of a TC feed are

  1. SU and PR

  2. JT10

  3. MR00

  4. EPSI

  5. INDX

Correct Option: A,B

Jets information is written in which line of thincard feed??

  1. JT10

  2. MR00

  3. FT00

  4. EPSI

Correct Option: A

In Post-WIP, processing start with which of the File ??

  1. Reproc File

  2. CON file

  3. ACV File

  4. ACT File

  5. Store File

Correct Option: D

Batch files are used

  1. to create a lists of commands to run in sequence

  2. to create a lists of commands and to run in random

  3. to create a lists of commands

  4. to delete a lists of commands

Correct Option: A

Extension of batch file (DOS, most of the microsoft windows)

  1. .btc

  2. .bth

  3. .bat

  4. .bah

Correct Option: C

Command which is used to add variables within a batch file

  1. add var

  2. var

  3. add

  4. 1%

Correct Option: D

which of this is a batch file?

  1. io.sys

  2. windows.sys

  3. command.com

  4. autoexec.bat

Correct Option: D
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