programming languages Online Quiz - 156
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 156 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
A READ statement can have AT END clause and INVALID KEY clause, but both must not appear simultaneously.
Which phrase delimits the the scope of MULTIPLY statement.
How many types of file organisation is there in COBOL.
How many types of file access are there in COBOL.
The following statement WRITE OUT-REC. Which one of the following modes of operating the Sequential file is not true
Which of the following does hibernate take care of
Identify one of the main component in hibernate architecture
Hibernate makes use of which class?
First step in hibernate application is to :
For an entire application in hibernate
what are the features of Hibernate?
The Tag in hibernate. cfg.xmlfile has which of the following as sub tags
just like any other language ,hibernate can use identifiers internally ,but we could lose the flexibility of application
Every persistent class needs to be mapped with its configuration file
Which one of the following is not true about hibernate
element in a mapping file is used to
What are the attributes found in a tag ?
What does element in mapping documnet signify?
Which of the following is valid usage of tag/
What does the attribute "auto-import" in root element signify?