programming languages Online Quiz - 154
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 154 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
Which of the following are legal array declarations.
The number of characters in an object of a class String is given by?
How many comparisons can a single COBOL if statement make?
Which of the following errors are possible within a COBOL IF statement?
The COBOL perform loop is the equivalent of which of the following structures found in other languages, such as Java or C++ ?
Which is the correct ASCII collating sequence?
You store it as YYYYMMDD in 8 bytes. What is the COBOL definition of this field?
User defined names must follow which one of the following rules?
Cobol paragraphs contain sentences. A sentence must end in a period and can contain multiple statements.
Sentences and statements must start on a new line.
Condition names are names associated with a field that take on a true/false status depending on whether their value is equal to the field value. They are indicated by a level number of what?
If we are limited to 5 bytes of storage, is there be a way to store a complete 8 digit date?
Can Abstarct class have a constructor?
lambda operator(=>) is a C# 2008 feature. Where is lambda operator mainly used?
Give Some Examples of Generic Classes?
Which two DataAdapter events fire for each row updated against a datasource?
What is the size for double datatype in c#?
To quit a c# application the following should be used?
Which of these string definitions will prevent escaping on backslashes in c#?
Which of the following statements correctly declares a 2 dimensional array in c#?