programming languages Online Quiz - 147
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 147 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
Which implicit object can access the attributes from the ServletContext?
When declaring a listener in the DD, which sub-element of the element are required?
Which most closely matches a description of a Java Map?
For a class defined inside a method, what rule governs access to the variables of the enclosing method?
Which of the following is the correct syntax for suggesting that the JVM performs garbage collection
How does the set collection deal with duplicate elements?
Which of the following statements are true?
Which are features every EJB 2.0 container must implement or support? (Answer all that apply)
Which are the features in EJB 2.0?
Whats true for an entity bean provider using container-manaaged persistent relationship?
When a remote client invokes a method on an entity bean using container managed persistence, and that bean has already been removed, what exception will be thrown?
Given content-managed unidirectional relationship: Foo(0-1) -> Bar(0-1) And the object relations: f1 -> b1 f2 -> b2 What will be true after the following code runs? f2.setBar(f1.getBar());
Whats true about EJB QL queries?
Given the EJB QL Expression: BETWEEN 10 AND 15 Which expression is equivalent?
data student; input sno sname $ marks; datalines; 10 suganya 30 20 preethi 40 30 rathna 40 nitya 50 manasa ; run; The output dataset student contains the following records
data flower; Length x $ 5 y $ 11; input x y; datalines; daisyyellow ; run; What is the value of x and y in the output dataset?
data state; input name $ @; if name = 'TN' then input famous $; else input lang $; input capital $; datalines; TN food chennai AP telugu hyderabad ; run; The no of times that the input is done for each iteration
data new(Keep x y); set old; run; What is the result?
proc format; value score. 1-10 = 'High' 11-20 = 'Low' ; run; What is true about this statement?
data str; x='My name is myuri'; a=find(X,'MY','i',-3); run; What is the value of a?