programming languages Online Quiz - 106

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 106
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: programming languages
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How to avoid deadlocks in multithreading programes ?

  1. Avoid using Threads

  2. implement only Runnable

  3. Use synchronize blocks

  4. Use synchronize methods

  5. None

  6. Synchornize blocks and Methods

Correct Option: F

Which is not valid scope value for the tag?

  1. page

  2. request

  3. context

  4. application

  5. None

  6. context and application

Correct Option: C

Which of the below are correct ?

Correct Option: B,D

Which the preferred way to write multithread programe ?

  1. Extend Thread class

  2. Implement Runnable interface

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Which of the below is not an implicit object of JSP ?

  1. request

  2. session

  3. context

  4. page

  5. error

  6. exception

Correct Option: C

Partial Implementation can be provided in___

  1. Interface

  2. Class

  3. Abstract Class

  4. All

  5. None

Correct Option: C

What are OOPs concepts ?

  1. Inheritance

  2. Exception

  3. deadlock

  4. Thread

  5. Networking

Correct Option: A

GenericServlet is a __________

  1. Interface

  2. Class

  3. Abstract Class

  4. Filter

  5. None

Correct Option: C

How to avoid deadlocks in multithreading programes ?

  1. Avoid using Threads

  2. implement only Runnable

  3. Use synchronize blocks

  4. Use synchronize methods

  5. None

  6. Synchornize blocks and Methods

Correct Option: F

Which is not valid scope value for the tag?

  1. page

  2. request

  3. context

  4. application

  5. None

  6. context and application

Correct Option: C

Which of the below are correct ?

Correct Option: B,D

Which the preferred way to write multithread programe ?

  1. Extend Thread class

  2. Implement Runnable interface

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Which of the below is not an implicit object of JSP ?

  1. request

  2. session

  3. context

  4. page

  5. error

  6. exception

Correct Option: C

Partial Implementation can be provided in___

  1. Interface

  2. Class

  3. Abstract Class

  4. All

  5. None

Correct Option: C

1) Which is the first successful high level programming language?

  1. C

  2. C++



Correct Option: D

2) Which is the First Ever Computer Game Invented?

  1. Mario

  2. Spartan

  3. Spacewar

  4. Prince of Persia

Correct Option: C

3) Which of the Folowing is the World’s first available Dyanmic RAM chip?

  1. Intel 1103

  2. SDRAM

  3. Intel 504

  4. DDR

Correct Option: A

4) What is the name of the First Programmable Computer?



  3. Difference Engine

  4. LISA

Correct Option: B

5) What is the name of the first computer used by the US Government?

  1. APPLE

  2. IBM


  4. ENIAC

Correct Option: C

6) Which among the following was involved in the development of ALGOL and Shortest Path Algorithm?

  1. Charles Babbage

  2. Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

  3. Robert Noyce

  4. Gordon Moore

Correct Option: B
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