programming languages Online Quiz - 53
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 53 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
Correct 0
Score 0
How can we give an pass phrase (like password) to a file ,to restrict its access ?
Linux aliases are recursive!!
What are the extended regular expression operators?
Usually , system information present in this folder (in a unix system)?
What must be implemented by all Servlets?
What is the number of bytes used by Java primitive long?
Choose the false statement among these?
Which of the following helps in garbage collection?
All the wrapper classes (Integer, Boolean, Float, Short, Long, Double and Character)
Which of the following is used to check in particular page the session will be alive or not?
Choose the correct statement from the given choice?
A constructor is used to