programming languages Online Quiz - 45
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 45 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
What types of flat files are acceptable to import into BW? i) ASCII ii) CSV iii)binary files iv)xml
You can create variables for the following? i) characteristics ii) formulas iii) hierarchies iv) texts
Which message appears when you select “Use Query Drill” while scope of analysis is set in a BO BebI XI 3.X report?
Which wildcards can you use in a query filter? i)? ii)% iii)- iv)*
For which tasks do you use an If() function? i)To conditionally show rows in a block ii)To conditionally execute a scheduled report iii)To display dynamically grouped values iv)To display a dynamic list of values
Is Session Method, Asynchronous or Synchronous?
Determine Output: main(){ unsigned int y = 12; int x = -2; if(x>y) printf(" x is greater"); else printf (" y is greater"); return 0;}
Determine output : main(){ int i=012; int j=046; int k=056; printf("i=%d",i); printf("j=%d",j); printf("k=%d",k);}
Determine output: void main(){ int x,y; x = 5; y = ++x * ++x; printf("Value of x = %d and Value of y = %d\n",x,y);}
Determine Output: int counter (int value) { static int count =0; count = count +value; return count; } main() { int i , j; for (i=0; i <=5; i++) j = counter(i); printf("J = %d", j); return 0; }
Determine Output : struct node { int a; int b; int c; }; int main() { struct node s= { 3, 5,6 }; struct node pt = &s; printf("Ans : %d" , *(int)pt); return 0; }
Determine Output: int main() { int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; int ptr = (int)(&a+1); printf("%d %d" , *(a+1), *(ptr-1) ); return 0; }
Determin Output: int main() { int a, b,c, d; a=3; b=5; c=a,b; d=(a,b); printf("c = %d" ,c); printf("\n\nd = d" ,d); return 0; }
Determine Output: main() { printf("%x",-1<<4); }
The symbol "?" belongs to which operator?
A class is
A recursive function would result in infinite recursion, if the following were left out:
UML stands for
This operator returns the size in bytes of that data type or object or structure etc
Exit is a function defined in the cstdlib library.