programming languages Online Quiz - 26

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 26
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: programming languages
Attempted 0/20 Correct 0 Score 0

To use a button that can remain in a depressed position. We have to go for.

  1. TBitBtn

  2. TButton

  3. TSpeedButton

  4. TDepressedButton

Correct Option: C

A)TStaticText descends from TWinControl and has a window handle. B)TLabel descends from TWinControl but does not have window handle.

  1. A True and B False

  2. A False and B True

  3. A False and B False

  4. A True and B True

Correct Option: A

How many state a TCheckbox can have?

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. Any number

Correct Option: B

Which of these is a valid path declaration?

  1. string s="c:\abc.txt";

  2. string s="c:/abc.txt";

  3. string s=@"c:\abc.txt";

  4. All are correct

Correct Option: D

Is Possible for Private Constructors in C#?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Can't Say

  4. I don't know

Correct Option: A

Which of these has a connected architecture?

  1. DataTable

  2. DataView

  3. DataRelation

  4. DataSet

  5. None of these

Correct Option: E

What will be the values of x and y? { int x = 5; int y = 10; y += x++; System.Console.WriteLine("x:" + x.toString() + " y:" + y.toString()); }

  1. x: 6 y: 16

  2. x: 10 y: 26

  3. x: 10 y: 15

  4. x: 6 y: 15

Correct Option: D

You need to store state data that is accessible to any user who connects to your Web application. Which object should you use?

  1. Session

  2. Application

  3. Response.Cookies

  4. Response.ViewState

Correct Option: B

What is the default port number when we use https?

  1. 80

  2. 500

  3. 443

  4. 543

Correct Option: C

Which of these Validation Controls does not have Control to Validate property?

  1. RequiredFieldValidator

  2. CustomValidator

  3. RangeValidator

  4. ValidationSummary

Correct Option: D

What is the default timeout for SqlCommand Object

  1. 10 sec

  2. 5 sec

  3. 30 sec

  4. 0 sec

Correct Option: C

Which of the following methods of Thread class cant be overridden by its subclass.

  1. suspend()

  2. destroy()

  3. resume()

  4. stop()

Correct Option: A,C,D

In java, threads acquire lock over:

  1. Heap memory

  2. classes

  3. objects

  4. variables

Correct Option: C

Thread.yield() might cause the thread, to move to which state.

  1. waiting state

  2. ready state

  3. sleeping state

  4. none

Correct Option: B

Invoking wait(), notify and notifyAll() methods without acquiring lock over an object will lead to:

  1. IllegalMonitorStateException

  2. IllegalThreadStateException

  3. IllegalLockStateException

  4. InvalidLockException

Correct Option: A

Restarting a thread leads to:

  1. ThreadRestartExcetion

  2. IllegalThreadStateException

  3. IllegalMonitorStateException

  4. none

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is not a static method of Thread class

  1. sleep()

  2. join()

  3. activeCount()

  4. none

Correct Option: B

Which of the following are not the methods of Thread class

  1. wait()

  2. notify()

  3. notifyAll()

  4. start()

Correct Option: A,B,C

Which of the following are public, static and final constants of Thread class

  1. Thread.MAX_PRIORITY


  3. Thread.LOW_PRIORITY

  4. Thread.MIN_PRIORITY

Correct Option: A,B,D

Is it compulsory for the subclass to declare the inherited synchronized method as synchronized while overriding it.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
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