programming languages Online Quiz - 20
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 20 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
public class test08 { public static void main(String[] args) { try{ A a = new B();; }catch (Exception e){ } } }class A{ void show() throws FileNotFoundException{ System.out.println("This is the super class"); }}class B extends A{ void show() throws Exception{ System.out.println("This is the inherited class"); }}What will be the output?
NullPointerException is a checked exception
If you declare an object as constant, then every member of the object would be?
The code in finally block will never get executed in the following program try { if (choice) { while (true) } else { system .exit(1): } }finally { codetocleanup(); }
class Dog { public static void bark() { System.out.print("woof "); }}class Alsation extends Dog { public static void bark() { }}public class Bark { public static void main(String args[]) { Dog woofer = new Dog(); Dog nipper = new Alsation(); woofer.bark(); nipper.bark(); }}What is the output
Destructors can be overloaded.
public class test08 { public test08(Object o) { System.out.println("Object"); } public test08(double[] dArray) { System.out.println("double array"); } public static void main(String[] args) { new test08(null); } }
Storage area with associated semantics is called
#include class NewInt { int num; public: NewInt(int n=0):num(n) {printf("cons\n");} int getInt() const {return num;} void setInt(int n){num =n;} ~NewInt(){printf("Dest\n");} }; int main() { NewInt a[5]; for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) a[i].setInt(i+10); for(int i=0;i<=5;i++) printf("%d\n",a[i].getInt()); return 0; } What does the above code snippet do?
Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?
Which of the following cannot be inherited?
What happens when the following code is compiled and run. Select the one correct answer. for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++) for(int j = 3; j >= 1; j--) assert i!=j : i;
- interface I{ void f1(); // 1 public void f2(); // 2 protected void f3(); // 3 private void f4(); // 4 } which lines generate compile time errors?
class C1 { static interface I { static class C2 { } } public static void main(String a[]) { C1.I.C2 ob1=new C1.I.C2(); System.out.println("object created"); } } What is the result of attempting to compile and run the program?
class C { public static void main(String a[]) { C c1=new C(); C c2=m1(c1); C c3=new C(); c2=c3; //6 anothermethod(); } static C m1(C ob1){ ob1 =new C(); return ob1; } } After line 6, how many objects are eligible for garbage collection?
class base { base() { System.out.println("base"); } base(int i1) { } } class Super extends base { Super() { System.out.println("super"); super(1); } public static void main(String [] a) { base b1=new Super(); } }
Whenever the "&&" operator is used, such as in: exp1 && exp2 where exp1 and exp2 are boolean expressions, both the boolean expressions are not always evaluated.
consider the statement "x = (a > b) ? a : b"; then the value of x is 27, if a = 18 and b = 27.
The "switch" selection structure must end with the default case.
The modulus operator (%) in Java can be used only with variables of integer type.