programming languages Online Quiz - 7

Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 7
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: programming languages
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Which program displays a listing of all data sets in the SASUSER library?

  1. proc contents lib=sasuser.all;

  2. proc contents data=sasuser.all;

  3. proc content data=sasuser.all;

  4. proc contents data=sasuser.all;

Correct Option: D

Which ODS statement option terminates output being written to an HTML file?

  1. END

  2. QUIT

  3. CLOSE

  4. STOP

Correct Option: C

The following SAS statement is submitted: data work.sales; do year=1 to 5; do month=1 o 12; x+1; end; end; run; How many observations are written to the WORK.SALES data set?

  1. 0

  2. 1

  3. 5

  4. 60

Correct Option: B

The following program is submitted: proc contents data=sashelp.class varnum; quit; What does VARNUM option print?

  1. a list of variable names

  2. the total number of variables

  3. a list of variable names in the alphabetic order

  4. a list of variable names in the order of their logical position

Correct Option: D

The value 110700 is stored in a numeric variable named SALARY. Which FORMAT statement displays the value as $110,700.00 in a report?

  1. format salary dollar11.2;

  2. format salary comma11.2;

  3. format dollar8.2;

  4. format salary comma8.2 dollar8.2;

Correct Option: A

What is the purpose of MISSOVER option in an INFILE statement?

  1. It prevents SAS from loading a new record when the end of the current record is reached

  2. It enables SAS to scan the input data records until the character string that is specified in the @'character-string' expression is round

  3. It enables SAS to continue to read the next input record if it does not find values in the current input file

  4. It causes the data step to stop processing if an input statement reaches the end of the current record without finding values for the variables

Correct Option: A

Given the following raw record: 07Jan2007 Which INFORMAT reads this raw date and stores it as a SAS date value?

  1. dmy9.

  2. date9.

  3. ddmmyy9.

  4. ddmmyyyy9.

Correct Option: B

A user defined format has been created using the FORMAT procedure.Where is it stored?

  1. in a SAS catalog

  2. in an external binary file

  3. in a SAS data set in the WORK library

  4. in a SAS data set in a permanent library

Correct Option: A

The following SAS program is submitted: data null; set old; put var1 var2; run; Where is the output written?

  1. to the SAS log file

  2. to the SAS data set NULL

  3. to a raw data file that was recently open

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

The SAS program is submitted:

data combine;  
country='Italy, Russia, ireland';  

What is the value of the variable found in the output data set?

  1. 1

  2. 12

  3. Ireland

  4. Italy

Correct Option: B

ODS Stands for

  1. Output Data System

  2. Output Delivery System

  3. Object Data Software

  4. Output Data Storage

Correct Option: B

PDV Stands for

  1. Project Design Vector

  2. Program Design Vector

  3. Program Data Vector

  4. Program Duplicate Vector

Correct Option: C

N=PS,In this, PS referred to

  1. Program Size

  2. Page Soft

  3. Program Software

  4. Page Size

Correct Option: C
  1. Statistical Analysis Software

  2. Statistical Analytics System

  3. Statistical Analytics Software

  4. Statistical Analysis System

Correct Option: D

BASE SAS is commonly used for

  1. Report Generation , Mathematical and Data Analysis

  2. Interface to DB2

  3. User friendly windowing applications

  4. Communication with remote SAS sessions

Correct Option: A

SAS / ACCESS is used as

  1. Communication with remote SAS sessions

  2. Interactive data entry & retrieval facilities

  3. Interface to DB2

  4. Creation of 3D objects , animation & prototyping

Correct Option: C


  1. Concurrent update access to SAS files

  2. User friendly windowing applications

  3. Visual representation of data analysis

  4. Communication with remote SAS sessions

Correct Option: B

SAS / CONNECT is used -

  1. Report Generation , Mathematical and Data Analysis

  2. Interface to DB2

  3. User friendly windowing applications

  4. Communication with remote SAS sessions

Correct Option: D

SAS / FSP is for Creation of 3D objects , animation & prototyping

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

How many packages available in java?

  1. 121

  2. 122

  3. Unlimited

  4. 123

Correct Option: B
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