platforms and products Online Quiz - 71

Description: platforms and products Online Quiz - 71
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: platforms and products
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Business lines supported by dbwrap

  1. Global Banking

  2. PCB

  3. Global Banking and PCB Poland

  4. PBC

Correct Option: C

Dbwrap Physical hardware located in hosted _____ data centers.

  1. 6

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 8

Correct Option: C

About ____ Applications supported/delivered by dbwrap

  1. 100

  2. 150

  3. 200

  4. 250

Correct Option: D

Access to dbwrap environments is purely on _____ base.

  1. Task

  2. Role

  3. Priority

  4. All the above

Correct Option: B

S/W deployment to Dbwrap environment is using ?

  1. SCLM

  2. GAR Packaging

  3. KVS

  4. All the above

Correct Option: B

Service and availability SLA between DB and Visionapp exists.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Always deliver the S/W to dbwrap team using ______?

  1. path of executables

  2. zip archive

  3. unzipped files

  4. The way you want

Correct Option: B

Always deliver the s/w to be deployed in dbwrap pre-prod and prod environments

  1. two week prior to Golive date

  2. Two days prior to Golive date

  3. On the day of Golive date

  4. One week prior to Golive date

Correct Option: A

E-mail id to be used communicate with dbwrap team is ?

Correct Option: C

General Issues with dbwrap are?

  1. Dbwrap servers/urls not accessible

  2. Appsense, Ocx and Dlls Registrations

  3. All the above

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

You are allowed to contact dbwrap team directly?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Dbwrap lifcycle follows

  1. DB S/W Roadmap

  2. SBC Roadmap

  3. No Roadmap

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

1)What is the latest build of Answers Desktop as on Dec 2009?

  1. V7.3 Build 10

  2. V7.3.1 Build 10

  3. V7.3 Build 6

  4. V7.3.1 Build 6

Correct Option: B

Which is the method you must call immediately after using the map constructor?

  1. map.initializeMap("maps","center");

  2. map.createMapContainer(new google.maps.centerLatLng("1","-120"))

  3. GMapApi.static.Initialize();

  4. map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);

Correct Option: D

Which is the correct way to create a GMarker?

  1. var marker = new GMarker(point);

  2. var marker = new GoogleGMarker(point);

  3. var marker = map.overlayMarker(new GMarker(point));

  4. var marker = new Marker(point,"G");

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is NOT a default supported map type in the version 2 of Google Maps API?





Correct Option: D

Which is the correct way to obtain a given point in the map, knowing the latitude and longitude of the point?

  1. var myGeographicCoordinates = new GPointM(new Lat(longitude),new Lng(longitude));

  2. var myGeographicCoordinates = new GLatLng(myLatitude, myLongitude);

  3. var myGeographicCoordinates = new GLatLng(GMarker.Lat(),GMarker.Lng())

  4. var myGeographicCoordinates = new GLatLng(GMarker.getLat(),GMarker.getLng())

Correct Option: B

Which is the correct way of make a marker draggable?

  1. var Marker = new GMarker(center,true);

  2. var marker = new GMarker(center, {draggable: true});

  3. var Marker = new GMarker(center, enableDragAndDrop = true);

  4. var Marker = new GMarker(center, new draggableMarker(me,true));

Correct Option: B

How do you place a marker on top of the map?

  1. map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, markerOptions));

  2. map.placeMarker(new Overlay(GMarker(point,markerOptions)))

  3. map.placeMarker(GMarker(myLatitude,myLongitude))

  4. map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, markerOptions){position:top});

Correct Option: A

world's fastest super computer

  1. jargon

  2. jaguar

  3. cheetha

  4. jagore

Correct Option: B
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