platforms and products Online Quiz - 55
Description: platforms and products Online Quiz - 55 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: platforms and products |
what are different BO connections modes to repository
- what is a thick client in BO
what are thin client reports
what is extension of deski reports
what is extension of crystal reports
what is extension of webi reports
what do you mean by CMC
what is the BOXI R2 architecture
CCM stands for
In BOXI R2 how many servers are there totally
What is the full form of CUPS?
An OLAP universe can have direct access to which of the following?
Which of the BI metadata features will be available in a universe created on Infocube?
What type of connection needs to be used in order to export an OLAP universe to BO repository?
A single BO Universe connection can be established with multiple bex queries
Which of the projection aggregation functions have to be used for key figures involving percentages
An optional variable defined in a bex query can be made mandatory in BO Universe
Universe Refresh Structure wizard can result in which of the below operations
We can restrict the number of rows returned by a web intelligence report by configuring the universe parameters
A web intelligence report can be built on multiple universes