platforms and products Online Quiz - 35

Description: platforms and products Online Quiz - 35
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: platforms and products
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How many types of transitions are there?

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 3

  4. 1

Correct Option: B

How many panels are there in tibco designer window?

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: D

What chip did Intel create as a lower-cost alternative to the Pentium microprocessor family?

  1. Celeron.

  2. AMD Athlon

  3. Motorola

  4. Cyrix

Correct Option: A

Why do we need a Bootstrap File

  1. Bootstrap file is used for entering all th paths and Settings information for Matrix RMI

  2. Bootstrap file is used for entering all th paths and Settings information for Matrix Core

  3. It is used to establish connection between Matrix system and the database

  4. It is used to establish connection between Matrix RMI and Application Server

Correct Option: C

To which of the following a Signature can be associated with?

  1. Groups

  2. Roles

  3. user

  4. Association

  5. Types

Correct Option: A,B,C,D

Following is not a part of defining the Relationship

  1. Cardinality

  2. Drop

  3. Revision

  4. Clone

  5. Propagate history

Correct Option: B

Which of the following in an attribute cannot be modified after its creation?

  1. Type

  2. Ranges

  3. Default Value

  4. Name

  5. Vault

Correct Option: A

The eMatrix object information (meta data) will be stored in

  1. Stores

  2. Format

  3. Vaults

  4. Relationships

  5. Policy

Correct Option: C

What is equivalent method in ADK for temp query bus

  1. getRelatedObject

  2. findObject

  3. getSchemaProperty

  4. getObjectsFromDb

Correct Option: B

What is equivalent method in ADK for expand bus

  1. getRelatedObject

  2. findObject

  3. getSchemaProperty

  4. expandSelect

Correct Option: A,D

What is the purpose of Store

  1. Used to store Business Objects

  2. Used to store Admin Objects

  3. Used to store checkedin files

  4. All the above.

Correct Option: C

What allows the designer of the Matrix database to construct one or more logical storage locations within the database?

  1. Vaults

  2. Stores

  3. Policies

  4. Federations

  5. Locations

Correct Option: A

In which type of store, the user cannot access the file from outside of the Store?

  1. Captured

  2. Ingested

  3. Internal

  4. Tracked

  5. Non-Tracked

Correct Option: B

Which amongst these are types of Vaults?

  1. Remote

  2. External

  3. Captured

  4. Foreign

  5. Tracked

Correct Option: A,D

What are the possible revision option available in relationship?

  1. Float

  2. None

  3. Clone

  4. Copy

  5. Replicate

Correct Option: A,B,E

Which of these are UI objects used for Matrix UI Development

  1. Tables

  2. Inquiries

  3. Menus

  4. Icons

  5. Commands

Correct Option: A,B,C,E

Which of these can include within them the same type of objects as themselves?

  1. Forms

  2. Tables

  3. Commands

  4. Menus

  5. Inquiries

Correct Option: D

What is the expression for displaying an attribute ABC 's value in a table. Symbolic name of ABC is attribute_ABC

  1. $;

  2. $;

  3. attribute_ABC.value

  4. ${attribute[attribute_ABC].value}

  5. ${ABC.value}

Correct Option: A

What are the different types of cardinalities possible in a relationship?

  1. One to One

  2. Many to All

  3. Many to many

  4. One to Many

  5. All to One

Correct Option: A,C,D

what does REPLICATE in Relationship mean?

  1. Duplicate Connection

  2. Floating the Connection

  3. Disconnecting the objects

  4. Revising the Connection

  5. Cloning the Objects

Correct Option: A
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