platforms and products Online Quiz - 4

Description: platforms and products Online Quiz - 4
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: platforms and products
Attempted 0/20 Correct 0 Score 0

length_of([vector "I" , "LOVE" , "INDIA"])

  1. 11

  2. 3

  3. 1

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

size_of([vector 2,3,4])

  1. 3

  2. 9

  3. 24

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C


  1. NULL

  2. 0

  3. 1

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
  1. 3

  2. 5

  3. 7

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: D


  1. "I"+"Love"+"Cricket"

  2. ILoveCricket

  3. "I""Love""Cricket"

  4. Error

Correct Option: B

Which Supercomputer is developed by Indian Scientists?

  1. Param

  2. Super 301

  3. Compaq Presario


Correct Option: A

The Errors that can be pointed out by the compiler is

  1. Syntax Error

  2. Symantic Error

  3. Logical Error

  4. Internal Error

Correct Option: A

What is control Unit's function in CPU?

  1. To transfer data to primary storage

  2. To Store program instructions

  3. To Perform logic functions

  4. To Decode program instructions

Correct Option: C

To Move to the bottom of a document..Press

  1. Auto Summarize

  2. Homr Key

  3. Ctrl Key+ End Key

  4. End Key

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following a file?

  1. Floppy Disc

  2. Magnetic Drum

  3. Magnetic Tape

  4. None of These

Correct Option: D

A dot Matrix Printer is

  1. Input/Output device

  2. Only Output Device

  3. Only Input Device

  4. None of These

Correct Option: B

An Octal Number 237 is Equal to the Binary Number

  1. 010 011 111

  2. 010 111 011

  3. 011 101 101

  4. 011 000 001

Correct Option: C

Sillicon Valley of India Located in

  1. Hyderabad

  2. Bangalore

  3. Dehradun

  4. Mumbai

Correct Option: B

Full Form of CRM

  1. Customer Relationship Management

  2. Customer Retention Manager

  3. Customer's Relatives Meet

  4. Chanel Route Marke

Correct Option: A

Select The Odd one Out

  1. Assmbler

  2. Operating System

  3. Compiler

  4. Interpreter

Correct Option: B

You cannot manage some aspects of a local object repository using the QuickTest Object Repository automation object model

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

For each action, you can use a combination of objects from your local and shared object repositories

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
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