leadership Online Quiz - 87

Description: leadership Online Quiz - 87
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: leadership
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  1. empty

  2. move hastily

  3. bruise

  4. waver (in opinion)

Correct Option: C


  1. wanderer (without a permanent home)

  2. contemptible

  3. riddle

  4. empty

Correct Option: C


  1. capricious happening

  2. sink (a ship) by cutting holes in the hull

  3. come together

  4. wanderer (without a permanent home)

Correct Option: C


  1. homeless wanderer

  2. sordid

  3. social or moral custom

  4. capricious happening

Correct Option: C


  1. full of self-admiration

  2. burn the surface of

  3. ordinary

  4. homeless wanderer

Correct Option: C


  1. boastful

  2. enhance the flavor of by adding a spice, etc.

  3. approach

  4. full of self-admiration

Correct Option: C


  1. saying farewell

  2. occurring at the proper time or season

  3. familiar with

  4. boastful

Correct Option: C


  1. pertaining to farewell

  2. of a particular season

  3. opposite

  4. saying farewell

Correct Option: C


  1. logically convincing

  2. experienced

  3. one who has adopted a different religion or opinion

  4. pertaining to farewell

Correct Option: C


  1. make valid

  2. withdrawal

  3. curving outward

  4. logically convincing

Correct Option: C


  1. bravery

  2. isolation

  3. vehicle

  4. make valid

Correct Option: C


  1. position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point)

  2. of a sect

  3. call together

  4. forerunners

Correct Option: C


  1. lacking liveliness

  2. worldly

  3. coiled around

  4. position giving an advantage (such as a strategic point)

Correct Option: C


  1. turn into vapor (steam, gas, fog, etc.)

  2. composed (with no excitement)

  3. violent uncontrollable shaking movement (caused by illness)

  4. lacking liveliness

Correct Option: C


  1. ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

  2. conceal

  3. judgment that someone is guilty of a crime

  4. bravery

Correct Option: C


  1. forerunners

  2. separate religious body

  3. pleasantly merry

  4. ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

Correct Option: C


  1. paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film

  2. lead away from proper conduct

  3. warmly friendly

  4. (esp. of a flower or leaf) many-colored

Correct Option: C


  1. in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord

  2. diligent

  3. extended line of men or fortifications to prevent access or egress

  4. paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film

Correct Option: C


  1. boasted

  2. run-down

  3. projecting molding on building (usually above columns or pillars)

  4. in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord

Correct Option: C


  1. change in direction

  2. (of behavior) proper

  3. horn (or horn-shaped container) overflowing with fruit and grain

  4. boasted

Correct Option: C
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