leadership Online Quiz - 23

Description: leadership Online Quiz - 23
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: leadership
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  1. let down

  2. make greater

  3. abdominal

  4. abyss

Correct Option: C
  1. final

  2. ability

  3. a manually skilled worker

  4. shorten

Correct Option: A


  1. pertaining to the art of delineating

  2. urge on

  3. a person who governs in place of a ruler who is ill, absent, or still a child

  4. live in a monotonous way (without interests or activity)

Correct Option: C


  1. outward appearance

  2. fantastic

  3. abandon

  4. summit

Correct Option: C


  1. small (often rural) community whose members share work and income

  2. accustom a baby not to nurse

  3. able to be dissolved in a liquid

  4. commemorate

Correct Option: C


  1. sticky

  2. branching out

  3. act of assuming a human body and human nature

  4. storehouse for grain

Correct Option: C


  1. cloister

  2. persuade by flattery

  3. act of dissecting living animals

  4. large sled drawn by work animals

Correct Option: D


  1. let down

  2. vertebrate animal whose female suckles its young

  3. act of finding oneself in society

  4. injury to body

Correct Option: D


  1. easy to approach

  2. reparable

  3. (of someone) unfriendly

  4. someone who bears the blame for others

Correct Option: C


  1. top (as of a hill or wave)

  2. disloyal

  3. (of something bad) highly conspicuous

  4. poisonous

Correct Option: C


  1. fantastic

  2. similarity

  3. act of dissecting living animals

  4. persuade by flattery

Correct Option: C


  1. complain

  2. free

  3. (of voice) harsh and unpleasant

  4. introduce something into a larger whole

Correct Option: D


  1. thought

  2. ghostly being that sucks the blood of the living

  3. (of weather) hot

  4. corpulent

Correct Option: C


  1. main wooden stem of a tree

  2. homeless child or animal

  3. (of work) compensating

  4. total

Correct Option: D


  1. powerful person

  2. short and thick

  3. ability to change in form

  4. sit on in order to hatch

Correct Option: C


  1. model of perfection

  2. liberal

  3. able to be dissolved in a liquid

  4. imitate or mimic (a person's behavior or manner)

Correct Option: B


  1. urge on

  2. gather leavings

  3. (of something bad) widespread

  4. theatrical

Correct Option: D


  1. chaperon

  2. abyss

  3. abdominal

  4. separate

Correct Option: D


  1. serving to complete something

  2. hard and unbending

  3. abdominal

  4. ordinary

Correct Option: D


  1. implying a cause-and-effect relationship

  2. bog

  3. ability

  4. chief

Correct Option: B
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