web technology Online Quiz - 195
Description: web technology Online Quiz - 195 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: web technology |
What is the root element in hibernate.cfg.xml?
Which of the following is true?
How to get SessoionFactory from configuration object (config) ?
Which of the following association needs tag element in mapping file?
Which is not a basic value type in hibernate?
If you intend to put instances of persistent classes in a Set, you have to
Which is the function call ensure that SQL statement is executed?
What is property name for printing all the executed SQL statements?
Which of the following must be satisfied by a component class?
How to add ordering phrase in hibernate criteria?
What should be done to change the actual database system type (say, from DB2 to MySql)?
How can we map several databases in hibernate?
What kind of query standards can be used in hibernate?
Which one of the following will commit session?
What are the different states of persistent classes?
What is the way to pass configuration properties to Hibernate?
Which is true in the following statements?
Which statement is executing native query to fetch records from table?
Which are the valid values for Cascade attribute in mapping xml?
Bi-directional links between data models are possible in Hibernate?