web technology Online Quiz - 179

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 179
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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An external JMS client is connected to a 2 managed server weblogic cluster using a Connection Factory that has server affinity enabled. The client is putting messages to a distribution destination (dd) deployed to the cluster. Which managed server(s) dd member will get the messages?

  1. The managed server which was used by the client for JNDI lokkup of the connection factory

  2. The managed server to which the client has a TCP connection after creating a new connection from the connection factory.

  3. Both the managed servers and in random order

  4. Only to One of the managed server and that can be in any order

Correct Option: B
  1. Graphic designer

  2. Any text editor

  3. browsers

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: B


  3. DOJO

  4. FLEX

Correct Option: D
  1. CPP

  2. JAVA


  4. C

Correct Option: D
  1. JAR

  2. PAR

  3. DAR

  4. WAR

Correct Option: B

Pick the odd one

  1. ZEUS




Correct Option: D
  1. JBOSS

  2. JRUN



Correct Option: C

What is the equivalent action code for the following piece of JSP code snippet? EmployeeBean harry = (EmployeeBean)request.getAttribute("harry"); if (harry == null) { harry = new EmployeeBean(); request.setAttribute("harry", harry); }

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is a valid declaration of a Tag Library in a Deployment Descriptor?

Correct Option: C
  1. Define a listener class implementing HttpSessionListener and whenever an object is added to Http Session object, keep track of the number of instances.

  2. Define a listener class implementing HttpSessionBindingListener and in the valueBound() method, keep track of the number of instances being added in a static variable.

  3. It is highly impossible to keep track the number of objects being added to a Http Session in a Web Application.

  4. The Servlet API provides direct support for keeping track the object instances.

Correct Option: B
  1. Use the method 'HttpServletRequest.getParameterNames()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  2. Use the method 'HttpServletResponse.getParameterNames()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  3. Use the method 'HttpServletRequest.getAllParameters()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  4. There is no direct support in the Servlet API to retrieve the name of all the parameters sent by the client.

Correct Option: A
  1. The value of the 'test' variable will be 2.

  2. The value of the 'test' variable will be 0.

  3. The value of the 'test' variable will be 1.

  4. The variable 'test' must be declared at global scope, else a run-time error will occur

Correct Option: C
  1. out.println(config.getServletContext().getParameter("app-name")); out.println(config.getInitParameter("app-name"));

  2. out.println(config.getInitParameter("app-name")); out.println(config.getServletContext().getInitParameter("app-name"));

  3. out.println(config.getServletContext().getInitParameter("app-name")); out.println(config.getInitParameter("app-name"));

  4. out.println(config.getServletContext().getInitParameter("app-name")); out.println(config.getParameter("app-name"));

Correct Option: C
  1. ${request.getAttribute()}

  2. ${request.attribute}

  3. ${pageContext.request.getAttribute()}

  4. ${pageContext.request.attribute}

Correct Option: D
  1. Use the method 'HttpServletRequest.getParameterNames()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  2. Use the method 'HttpServletResponse.getParameterNames()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  3. Use the method 'HttpServletRequest.getAllParameters()' which will return an enumeration of parameter names.

  4. There is no direct support in the Servlet API to retrieve the name of all the parameters sent by the client.

Correct Option: A
  1. ${request.getAttribute()}

  2. ${request.attribute}

  3. ${pageContext.request.getAttribute()}

  4. ${pageContext.request.attribute}

Correct Option: D
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