web technology Online Quiz - 173

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 173
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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ASP stands for ____________ ?

  1. Active Side Pages

  2. Active Script Pages

  3. Active Server Page

  4. Active Script Program

Correct Option: C

What is the extension of ASP.NET web pages ?

  1. .ashx

  2. .aspx

  3. .apsx

  4. .ascx

Correct Option: C

Identify which DI Spring supports

  1. Setter Injection

  2. Method Injection

  3. Constructor injection

  4. Interface Injection

Correct Option: A,C

Can you have someother.xml file instead of applicationcontext.xml

  1. Yes,always.Spring framework will understand automatically when it will not find applicationcontext.xml

  2. No,never this can happen

  3. Yes,by specifying a element named “contextConfigLocation" for the listener class "org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener"

  4. Yes,if we use it with JSF

Correct Option: C

Identify the two valid modes of auto wiring

  1. byName

  2. byFields

  3. byInterface

  4. byType

Correct Option: A,D

Identify which is not a Bean scopes in Spring Framework

  1. singleton

  2. prototype

  3. global session

  4. response

Correct Option: D

What is not one of the common implementations of the Application Context ?

  1. XmlWebApplicationContext

  2. RequestXmlApplicationContext

  3. ClassPathXmlApplicationContext

  4. FileSystemXmlApplicationContext

Correct Option: B

Which is not one of the Bean Scopes in JSF

  1. Global Scope

  2. Application Scope

  3. Session Scope

  4. Request Scope

Correct Option: A

What if no navigation rule matches a given action in JSF

  1. Gives an excpetion

  2. Blank Page comes up

  3. If no navigation rule matches a given action, then the current page is redisplayed

  4. Error code 404 appears

Correct Option: C

"What will be the output of this:

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Can we have more than one Faces Configuration file

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

What will you to reload the page after ValueChangeListener is invoked

  1. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot()

  2. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().responseComplete()

  3. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().renderResponse()

  4. FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().release()

Correct Option: C

What's considered the "backbone" of the World Wide Web?

  1. Uniform resource locator (URL)

  2. Browsers

  3. Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

  4. Hypertext mark-up language (HTML)

Correct Option: D

What's the difference between HTTP and HTML?

  1. HTML describes what's on the page; HTTP allows sites to communicate with each other

  2. HTTP describes what's on the page; HTML allows sites to communicate with each other.

  3. nothing similar

  4. There's no difference; they mean the same thing.

Correct Option: A

Who coined the term Web 2.0?

  1. Tim O'Reilly

  2. Dale Dougherty

  3. Steve Jobs

  4. Dwight D

Correct Option: B

Which if the following is a feature of Web 1.0?

  1. Static Web sites

  2. Interactive Web sites

  3. Social networking

  4. Browsers

Correct Option: A

What's an example of a Web 1.0 site?

  1. An online bookstore that lets customers post reviews

  2. A social networking site that lets userts share photos and make public comments

  3. An official online encyclopedia

  4. Instant messaging applications

Correct Option: C

What's the best way to describe the Internet?

  1. One master computer that connects to all of our homes

  2. A network of networks

  3. An official online encyclopedia

  4. A series of pipes

Correct Option: B

We access the World Wide Web using

  1. Browsers

  2. Instant messaging applications

  3. Interactive Web sites

  4. Spidey senses

Correct Option: A

The Internet began with the development of:


  2. Static Web sites


  4. Ethernet

Correct Option: C
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