C Programming
Description: Test your C skill in programming language for campus placements by free online preparation and practice paper tests | |
Number of Questions: 25 | |
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Tags: C PROGRAMMING Basics C Skills Advanced C Skills C Skills Test Java Skill Test DBMS Oracle PHP Computer Application Placement Papers MCA Entrance BCA BSC Computer Basics |
Which of the following is not an identifier?
If i, j and k are integer variables with values 8, 15 and 4 respectively, the arithmetic expression 2 * ((i % 5) * (4 + (j - 3) / (k + 2))) results
Unsigned integer quantities are
The use of the function floor (d) returns the
What is the correct precedence of the following operators? !=, &&, *, >=
In the under given expression flag = (i < 10) ? 0 : 100 if the value of 'i' is 12, then the result is
Suppose a, b and c are integer variables assigned values 8, 3 and -5 respectively. In this case, the respective values of arithmetic expressions (a*c)%b and a*(c%b) are
If a C program contains the following declarations long ix; double dx; the data type of the expression ((int)dx) + ix is
Is it possible to write the following expression? for(expression 1a, expression 1b; expression 2; expression 3) { statement; }
If the declaration is float x = 123.456, then the statement printf(“%7f %7.1f “,x,x) will print
For the statement 'scanf(“%3d %3d %3d”,&a,&b,&c)'; if the input value is 1234 5678 9, then the assignments will be
Break statement is used to terminate _____ loop(s).
The syntax of the switch statement is switch (expression) statement is true when the expression results in
The function definition of the statement “A function called process accepts an integer and two floating point numbers and returns a double precision quantity”, is
Which of the following is a wrong declaration of array?
The strcmp function is used to __________.
The array declaration - float num[3][4][5] - will have ____ elements.
The declaration char flag[]=”TRUE” will result in
Consider the following program segment: main() { int a=2; printf (“a= %d”,a); modify(a); printf (“a= %d”,a); } modify(a) { a*=3; printf (“a= %d”,a); return; } The answer printed after executing this program will be
The statement to declare a two dimensional floating point array of 15 rows and 30 columns using pointer, is
The declaration int *px means that
State whether the given statement is true or false.
The output of the following program is main() { int a, b, c; int num[3][4]= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}; for(a=0;a<3;++a) { c=999; for(b=0;b <4;++b) if (z[a][b]<c) c=z[a][b]; printf(“ %d”,c); } }
C pre-processor is a collection of special statements, called directives, which are executed _________.
A C program contains following declaration: char text[80]; The for statement that permit a 60 character message and store it in array text is ________ text[i]=getchar();